Como dizer "Pavê" em inglês

Hey, guys!

I was wondering... how do you say "pavê" in English?
The Wordreference site showed me the word "trifle". However, after some research, I found out that trifle, though being a similar sweet, is not exactly the same as "pavê".

Any suggestions?

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Já me fizeram essa pergunta e das respostas que eu já ouvi a melhor é que pavê é da culinária francesa muito apreciado no Brasil. Vem do termo "pavage" que remete a pedras para pavimentar ruas. No inglês o termo pave parece ter origem próxima ao termo francês. O doce parece formar pequenos blocos como pedras.
Well, when it comes to food, it is really complicated. Já vi diversas vezes a sobremesa trifle, ela e bonita e pode ser gostosa, mas não é pavê; deve inclusive ter diversas camadas.
Food is commonly associated with traditions of a city or country. Maybe there's no translation and the word used is the same in France. It happens all the time when we talk about traditional dishes, especially French dishes.
I mean trifle is something common for many countries and can be a shadow of what pavê is.
Probably, people used to travelling get to know pavê and use the same name, with some accent, of course, to refer to it.
:lol: :roll:
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You know, it's not wrong to say that "trifle"is pavê in English although we have the British to thank for the trifle, not the French. English cooks started the trifle recipe with dry cake, soaking it in sherry or brandy to add moisture. But today, many trifle recipes call for dousing cake or ladyfingers just as we make our traditional pavê. Once I was making "pave de chocolate" in my studio in New York and an American friend referred to it as a chocolate trifle.