Origin of the word "toy"

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Please, in your opinion, what's the origin of the word "toy"?

Thanks in advance.

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Não sou muito bom em etimologia mas de acordo como Wiktionary, encontrei o que segue:

Toy - Etymology

From Middle English toye (“amorous play, piece of fun or entertainment”), probably from Middle Dutch toy, tuyg (“tools, apparatus, utensil, ornament”) as in Dutch speel-tuig (“play-thing, toy”), from Old Dutch *tiug, from Proto-Germanic *tiugiją (“stuff, matter, device", literally "that which is drawn”), from Proto-Germanic *teuhaną (“to lead, bring, pull”), from Proto-Indo-European *dewk- (“to pull, lead”). Cognate with German Spielzeug (“toy”), Danish legetøj (“play-thing, toy”). Related to tug, tow.
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