Exercício: Have e have got

O exercício é assim,tenho que substituir o have por got, e o have to por gotta.

I have a brand new car. Resposta: I got a brand new car.
She has a wonderful house on the beach. Resposta: She got a wonderful house.
They have two na*ghty kids. Resposta:They got two na*ghty kids.
He has a gorgeous sister. Resposta:He got a gorgeous sister.
I have to study harder. Resposta: I gotta study harder.
I have to talk with her first. Resposta: I gotta talk with her first.
He has to think twice. Resposta: He gotta think twice.
You have to go there. Resposta: You gotta go there.
They have to help us. Resposta: They gotta help us.
I have to shut my mouth. Resposta: I gotta shut my mouth.

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