Como dizer "Não se meta" em inglês

gabrielock 1 15
Hi, I would like to know if there's any way to say "Não se meta" in English, I first thought about saying "it's not of your business ", I'm just not sure if that is the equivalent translation. The sentence is "Não se meta na cultura dos outros".
Thanks for the help.

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2 respostas
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edrob518 6 71

Dont poke/stick your nose into sth: to show too much interest in a situation that does not involve you.

Ex: That'll teach him to go poking his nose into other people's business!

Ex: Dont poke your nose into things that do not concern you.

Mind your own business Stop prying into my affairs.

Ex: This is none of your affair. Mind your own business.

Ex: If she asks where we're going. tell her to mind her own business.

Keep/ get your nose our of my business this one has the same meaning as the sentence bellow.

Ex: Someone asked me how much money I earn and I told him keep the nose out of my business.

Ex: Dont poke your nose into someone's culture.

Sites de consulta:
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Don't interfere.
Não se meta.

Don't intefere in what doesn't concern you.

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