Como dizer "O mundo é dos espertos" em inglês

2 16
Pensei em: the world belongs to smart people!

será que da certo ou já existe alguma expressão para isso ?


Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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23 127 1.7k

the world belongs to hustlers
the world belongs to those who hustle

Contexto e explicações:

Now, I’m not talking about hustling in the pulling-a-scam-on-the-naive-newbie sense. (Although it never hurts to have a little Fast Eddie swagger). I’m talking about the work-your-ass-off-while-your-competition-plays-Rock Band kind of hustling. Hustling=doing whatever you have to do, for however long as you have to do it, until you reach your goal.

“Things may come to those who wait…but only the things left by those who hustle.” – Abraham Lincoln

Looking at the men that I admire from history, they all have one thing in common: they were hustlers. Theodore Roosevelt accomplished an insane amount of work because he lived the strenuous life, i.e. hustled. Thomas Edison patented thousands of inventions and perfected the light bulb because he spent all day hustling. Frederick Douglass was an orator, diplomat, newspaper editor and author because he hustled. And pretty much every self-made man has the same story. []

Minhas considerações: "hustle" (se esforçar, correr atrás, dedicar-se) é um verbo amplo, que possui também sentidos negativos/pejorativos (ganhar ilicitamente, enganar, trapacear). As expressões sugeridas no início vão precisar de contexto e, acredito eu, de alguma explicação, já que há a possibilidade de mais de uma interpretação.

Bons estudos. Compartilhe.
Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
6 71
I found something interesting on a site that might help ya. › Portuguese › Português (Portuguese)
16 60 498
Hi Daniel Reis,


The winner takes it all. (A little old but still...) :D
Or even
Finders keepers, losers weepers. (Childish but maybe is suitable) :roll:
However, the second one could be out of context. :?
You'd better wait for more replies... :lol:

6 49 1.3k

The world is for the smart (and determined/and prepared).
The world is for the smart people.
The world is for the smart ones.

also "nice guys finish last" and even more hardcore sentences like "the ends justify the means/the winner never cheats". Depending on the context, the level of ethics of who is talking and, sometimes, his/her disregard for consequences.
You could even say:

"The smarts rule the world."
"The smarts run the world."

Of couse, it's not a "word-by-word" translation but the meaning is the same. Many things in english don't have a "direct" translation to portuguese, so you have find a way to transmit the idea. I hope it's helpful.

Any doubt, just ask ;)
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3 15 131
My suggestion:

The world belongs to the go-getters.


6 49 1.3k
Wesley, "smart" (and others) in a coletive way you don´t normally use plural in such sayings (altough it is serves as a plural word to the verb conjugation). Consider then the following option, please:
The smart rule the world.
Anote aí uma que combina direitinho com o nosso provérbio:

"The smart rule, the dumb follow."
