Como dizer "traquino" em inglês

How do you call in English "traquino, menino traquino"?


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4 respostas
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I would say "He is a na*ghty boy".

na*ghty (desobediente, perverso) - Behaving disobediently or mischievously. (from The Free Dictionary)

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Outra opção:

Brat: a child who behaves very badly : an annoying child. [Merriam-webster]


He is a brat. He steals his father's money, flunks his unit tests, gets punished every day in school, also copies his father's signature in the progress report card. [Wikipedia]

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Thanks my friend!
edrob518 6 71

Rascal = the definition of a rascal is a person who is playfully mischievous or badly behaved.