YouTube: Anime D.T.I

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Queria uma ajuda no meu transcript. O video começa no minuto 10:59 ate 12:25

A: Tell me, that girl what was she? how did she bite me?

B: We call her kinda Diclounious

A: Diclonious?

B: It's a genetically altered human, a mutant

A: She was human?

B:As you know the mutation has marked by ... growing from the skull, but the crucial mutation is those extra hands you counted

A: You're kidding, right? or what are you saying they're born ... with those insane freaking weapon?

B:Those were her vectors, or recptors depending on the context, we dont much about how vectors develop yet, we know they possess an extraordinary speed, they vibrate such a high frequency ...cut through objects, but we dont believe they're intended a primarily to fuction as weapons.

A: What ?

B:In the past,individuals with this genetically abnormality died in infacy or could not reproduce, your target has proven yourself to be exceptionally adaptable, once she started developing we expected certain things of her environment acclamation, the mastery of her vectors, but now she's found a way to reproduce although it's very different from the normal humans methods.

[youtube] [/youtube]

Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
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Tell me, that girl, what was she? How did she beat me?

We call her (kind) Diclonius.


A genetically altered human, a mutant.

She... was human!?

As you know, the mutation is marked by a par of protrusions growing from the skull, but the crucial mutation is those extra hands you encountered.

You're kidding, right? Or, are you saying they're born equipped with those insane freaking weapons?

Those were her vectors, or receptors, depending on the context. We don't know much about how vectors develop yet. We know they possess extraordinary speed. They vibrate at such a high frequency that they can cut through objects. But, we don't believe that they are intended primarily to function as weapons.


In the past, individuals with this genetic abnormality died in infancy or could not reproduce. Your target has proven yourself to be exceptionally adaptable. Once she started developing, we expected certain things of her: environmental acclimation, the mastery of her vectors. But now, she's found a way to reproduce, although it's very different from the normal human methods.