To struggle the mouth - Tradução em português

2 4 41
What does it means this: to struggle the mouth
The whole sentence is: "I think Alexandre Santos is going to struggle the mouth because of the language barrier "

Gee ! My mind went blank ! I think I skipped that class.. rsrsrsrs

Thank you all !!!

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alexandre.santos escreveu:
What does it means this:
"What does this mean:...?" ou "What does it mean:...?"
A sentença faz sentido se escrita dessa maneira:

"I think Alexandre Santos is going to struggle the mouth because of the language barrier".
(Eu acho que o Alexandre Santos vai ter dificuldades por causa da barreira linguística).
Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
6 49 1.3k
It´s a first for me as well. Where did you get it from? could you offer more context?
2 4 41
Thank you very much, Paulo and Telma...

But...I think the word is " the most "

It'd be like this: " I think Alexandre Santos is going to struggle the most because of the language barrier"

Does it make any sense now?

Se you !
6 49 1.3k
Yeah, now it makes a whale of a sense!
2 4 41
What's up, dude !

I need to train my listening skills

My ears are not so trained as yours and Telma's.. but... I am trying so hard to be as good as you are, pal !

And I'd like you to thank you. You, Paulo, help a lot this site!

See you, bro !
A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
6 49 1.3k
Thank you for your nice and positive feedback, you know, customer satisfaction is the part that I enjoy the best of this job. Haha, just kidding around, thank you very much, I am glad that it helped.
And I must point out the teamwork, with Telma, Donay, Alessandro, Juliana, Ana (Ancrispa), Thomas, and others knowledgeable giants here (if I go on citing, it will take the rest of the day), it´s a breeze to learn English. ;)
9 65 608
"The most" é usado na forma de superlativo de adjetivos. Na sua sentença, sugiro o uso do advérbio "mostly":

I think he is going to struggle mostly because of the language barrier.

2 4 41
Well.. Telma...that is exactly what I have heard. So it does not usual. It is not grammatically correct, is it?
See you!
6 49 1.3k
Both are possible. Telma has a point, indeed in the sense os "mainly" it would be that way, and it was a suggestion (certainly she thought of "mainly") which could be very likely.

Most by CALD definition goes "the biggest number or amount of; more than anything or anyone else..."
So, I would hazard a guess that is in this way (referring to intensity and would mean), so in a way I think the sentence could be translated into the following.

I think Alexandre Santos is going to struggle the most because of the language barrier"
Eu acho que a maior dificuldade para Alexandre Santos vai ter é a barreira da linguagem.

So, with a slight different nuance.
2 4 41
Hie Telma Regina and PPAULO !

I was reading the link Telma has suggested and I realized that some examples are possible to use " most " and " the must ".
Are both possible or there is a rule in using it?

See you !!!

And thank you so much !!
A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
6 49 1.3k
So not all of those examples couldn´t really be changed from MAINLY to THE most (or vice versa), the example I can see could replaced there is
O que mais me preocupa é... = What worries me the most...

It could be replaced by:
What worries me about (such and such subject/matter is...) mainly...

Anyway, it would change de meaning.
See the following example:

My partner Meagan, worries a lot, mainly about our finances. (se preocupa com várias coisas, PRINCIPALMENTE, sobre nossas finanças.)

My parter Meagan, worries the most about our finances. (a coisa que Meagan se preocupa mais, é sobre as nossas finanças, passando do nível de preocupação sobre todas as outras coisas...talvez Meagan se preocupe demais/exageradamente.)

What mainly worries me is that EA seam to have a record of late of makeing us pay to play. I hope this will not mean we will have to pay to play future games such as C&C Generals etc
(o que mais me preocupa...), uma maneira de falar, mas certamente não é a maior preocupação, de uma forma superlativa (como seria uma preocupação como se um parente/amigo estivesse na UTI).

I'm worried about Ebola mainly because it's a disease that I've never treated before.
Mainly- principalmente...(indicando que há mais razões, mas uma das principais, ou uma forte razão é que é uma das doenças que eu nunca tratei antes...)

Now think of the above, MOST vs THE MOST.
Some of the "the most" will mean "most" (principalmente), other times it will mean ''the most" (in the sense of "o que mais..." (superlative, kind of).

So, "most" may mean "mainly" or "the most", one has to heed the context.

For the time being, at this juncture, is perhaps advisable to think of your initial question with the verb "to worry" with "struggle" the sense of experiencing difficulty(ies). Not dealing with the other cases.
Anyway, it´s up to you, if you are in intermediate/advanced mode. ;)