Como dizer "Sente-se, você não cresce mais" em inglês

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Por aqui é costume dizer "sente-se, você não cresce mais" para uma pessoa que insiste, ou prefere ficar em pé, mesmo tendo lugar para sentar.

Como seria em inglês?

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I don´t remember having seen something equivalent to it in English. But if you are going make a version to, say, a Brazilian; you could say something like the following:

Please take a seat, you are not going to get any taller by standing up.
Please sit down, you are not going to get any taller by standing up.
Please sit down, you are not supposed to get any taller (just) by standing up.
Please take a seat, standing up is not going to make you grow any taller; you are past the growth phase, huh?
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how he said you can reply those sentence you can reply this too.
Please sit down you won't grow up anymore
but this doesn't an Idiomatic expression in English it's just a translation