Diferença entre "despair" e "desperation"

TheBigSpire 1 11 33
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Despair: Mais passivo. Mais associado com falta de esperança, alguém em "despair" não tentará mudar a situação, resignar-se-á com o futuro porque acha que é inútil tentar mudar.
Desperation: Mais ativo. Leva alguém a tomar atitudes que normalmente não tomaria, porque esta pessoa não vê nenhuma saída melhor.

Ex.: In a horrible flood, despair might make you give up and resign yourself to drowning in the attic. Desperation might drive you to steal the neighbor's boat.

Fonte: http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=165353

Cheers! :)

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2 respostas
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Telma Regina 9 65 608
Don't despair, it's "desperation" ;)
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Yes, if one is in despair he may have lost faith and hope, he is hopeless. One can be overcome by a sense of defeat, seeing no light at the end of the tunnel.
Of course at the end of a hole they say that there´s always a spring, that ejects people to higher places and new begginings!

Desperation is energized despair, vigorous in action, reckless of consequences.
Read more: http://www.whatdoesthatmean.com/diction ... z3PrbyD0Ik

Desperation may lead to blind fury, or somehow to lead someone to fight for his life, for change, etc.

Desperation is also the state of being desperate.