Como dizer "Último recurso, esforço derradeiro" em inglês

jlmmelo 14 107
Português: Última tentativa, tentativa desesperada, último recurso, esforço derradeiro, esforço desesperado:

Inglês: Last-ditch effort: A desperate final attempt, as in "We're making a last-ditch effort to finish on time." This expression alludes to the military sense of last ditch “the last line of defense.” Its figurative use dates from the early 1800s.
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Last-ditch attempt/effort: an effort or attempt that is made at the end of a series of failures to solve a problem, and is not expected to succeed: "He resigned in a last-ditch attempt to save his party from electoral defeat." Cambridge Dict. Online

  • 1. Olmert is mounting a last-ditch effort to free the soldier before leaving office.

    2. As Jordan's King Hussein mounts a last-ditch effort for peace, he is sporting a silvery new beard.

    3. In a last-ditch effort to save his life, his doctors gave him three anti-HIV drugs all at once.

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1 resposta
Podemos dizer também "Last resort" ou "final resort", que é, literalmente, último recurso.
First resort or Last/Final resort: before anything else is attempted or when everything else has failed.