Como dizer "quis" em inglês

Por exemplo,

Ele quis me dar um presente.
O taxi quis me cobrar uma taxa extra.


A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
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7 62 297

Saber/know, conhecer/know, querer/want...

One thing they have in common is that their translations into English can change greatly from the present indicative to the preterit.

Eu sabia que era do Rio. = I knew over a period of time (a day, a month, a year) that he was from Rio.
Soube que era do Rio. = I found out (I learned, I heard) that he was from Rio. (The information was discovered quickly and probably on a specific date and at a specific place. One day I thought he was from Fortaleza and the next I learned he was from Rio.

Conhecia ele quando eramos moleques. = I knew him when we were kids. (We were possibly friends. Maybe we would have lunch together, go to the same parties, etc.
Conheci ele quando eramos moleques. = I met him when we were kids. (I saw him for the first time, I was introduced to him, etc.)

Queria ir para o Canada. = I wanted to go to Canada. It had been a dream for some time (a week, a month, four years). Maybe I just had the desire, but maybe I actually bought the tickets, got a visa, etc. Maybe I went and maybe I did not.
Quis ir para o Canada. = I tried to go to Canada. (I made one or more efforts to go, I did more than dream about going, I had a plan, I found a cheap airline ticket, I found a city in Alberta that appealed to me, etc. For some reason, however, I was unable to go.)

Queria me dar um presente. = He wanted to give me a present. Maybe he did not have the present, maybe he never mentioned it to me, but he wanted to give me a present.
Quis me dar um presente. = He tried to give me a present. He offered me the present but I refused to accept it, I told him I could not take it.

Como nativo de ingles, ha uma diferenca grande para mim entre sabia e soube, entre conhecia e conheci. A diferenca entre queria e quis pode ser grande ou pequena segundo o contexto.

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16 60 498
Hi there!


He wanted to give me a gift.
The taxi driver wanted to charge me an extra fee/fare.

See you around !!!

7 62 297
also "He tried..."

He tried to give me a gift, but I refused to accept it.
The cabbie tried to overcharge me, but I threatened to report him to the authorities.

As a rule of thumb (regra geral), I would suggest "wanted" for "queria" and "tried" for "quis".
Hey Thomas, thanks very much guy

Why "tried" and why not "wanted" because tried is "experimentado, provado, à prova" and want, wanted is "querer no presente ou passado, querer fazer, ser ou ter alguma coisa"

Thanks in advance, your sugestion was very useful because you is native. I'm right? OK

I liked of expression "regra geral" (As rule of thumb)

16 60 498
Oi Luciano,

Embora essa pergunta sua seja a de muitos de nós, a resposta do Thomas é perfeita pois traduz o que se quis dizer, desculpe o trocadilho com o título do seu post. :lol: aliás americanos adoram trocadilhos...

Quando nos referimos a "quis" nesse exemplo seu, na verdade estamos dizendo na nossa língua que ele tentou, mas não concluiu isso. Realmente wanted eu traduziria como "queria", exactly what Thomas said, percebe eu disse que traduziria do inglês para o português, mas quando fiz o inverso respondendo ao seu post inicialmente não tive essa visão.

É. Como quando esquecemos algo sobre a mesa, em inglês:
We left that on the table.
Esquecer involve não saber exatamente onde em inglês.

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