Como dizer "Emprestar o nome" em inglês

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Emprestar o nome para um amigo, um parente, etc. comprar um bem financiado, sem que tenha renda suficiente para tal.

É uma furada, mas como seria em inglês?

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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Co-sign a loan for a friend is commom arrangement. Sounds like the closest to our "ser fiador" in Brazil. You can also be called co-borrower/guarantor in that case. ... 00-points/ ... nd-friends

As for your initial question, I think it mighb be that you bought something on installments/credit to a be paid by your friend. It´s an arrangement (a dangerous one, let´s be honest) that would need a very high degree of trust (or not caring about your finances, don´t know which one, ha ha).
In Brazil, sometimes people buy some goods/products/appliances etc, and hand out the product along with the installment booklet to be paid by the friend/member of the family etc. Sometimes the arrangement go wrong, since the guy lose his job or something happens and he/she doesn´t pay or the payment is past due...
To further complicate matters, the guy with the name on the booklet instalment won´t know, until a notice/letter from a debt collector or bank finds his house address. :shock: