Roll Through - Tradução em português

O que significa 'Roll Through' nesta frase " we're watching those boys roll through " e também ''roll by'' nesta mesma frase , no lugar do ''roll through'' .Quais as traduções mais exatas para estas frases? Desde ja , Obrigado! :)

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1 resposta
Cinnamon 16 60 498
Hi Arthur Victor:

If you provided more context my answer to your question could be better. ;) :geek:

roll through
1. to be at attendance at an event
2. to visit a location
estar num evento ou visitar determinado local

"Hey, are you going to roll through tonight's party?"
"I'm rolling through Philly tonight, can I crash at your place?"

roll through
As opposed to "come through" which means getting to a location by foot, bus, or getting a ride, "roll through" means to visit a location via automobile.
"chegar" à pé, de ônibus ou automóvel...\"

Person A- "We ran out of drinks. People are leaving the party"

Person B- "Jamal's gonna roll through well ask him to take us to the store."

Source/fonte: Urban Dictionary.

De acordo com sua frase eu optaria pela segunda tradução, chegar a pé, ou através de transporte a um determinado local.

