Como dizer "Lá estava eu, belo e formoso" em inglês

Zumstein 1 31 435
Lá estava eu, belo e formoso, no meio de todo aquele verde, aquele céu de brigadeiro...

Deve ser: Numa boa, curtindo a vida, não querendo nem que Deus ajude, etc

Em inglês (?)

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2 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

''I was there having the time of my life.''
Lá estava eu, belo e formoso.

''In November I took a little trip to Cancun - I was there having the time of my life.'' [Google]
''I would look around and just felt I was a kid out there having the time of my life." [Google]

Idiom: have the time of your life: to have a very good time; to have the most exciting time in one's life. [Thefreedictionary]

Bons estudos. Compartilhe.
Breckenfeld 3 15 131
Lá estava eu, belo e formoso, no meio de todo aquele verde, aquele céu de brigadeiro.

My suggestion:

Lo and behold, there I stood handsome and gorgeous. Amid all that green and bluebird.
