Exercício: Texto em inglês sobre a Pontualidade Britânica

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Confira o texto abaixo, que fala sobre a pontualidade britânica, também conhecida como pontualidade inglesa.

Time and punctuality

British people are very strict when it comes to punctuality. In Britain people make a great effort to arrive on time, so it is considered impolite to be late, even with by few minutes. If you are delayed, be sure to inform the person you are meeting. Here are some situations when you are obliged to be on time, as well as some situations when it is advisable:

For formal dinners, lunches, or appointments you always come at the exact time appointed.
For public meetings, plays, concerts, movies, sporting events, classes, church services, and weddings, it's best to arrive a few minutes early.
You can arrive any time during the hours specified for teas, receptions and cocktail parties.

The British often use expressions such as "drop in anytime" and "come see me soon". However, do not take these literally. To be on the safe side, always telephone before visiting someone at home. If you receive a written invitation to an event that says "RSVP", you should respond to the sender as soon as possible, whether you are going to attend or not.

Source: expatica.com/uk

1. Mark true or false:

A. British people aren't very strict when it comes to punctuality. (_)
B. In Britain people make a great effort to arrive on time, so it is considered impolite to be early. (_)
C. If you are delayed, be sure to inform the person you are meeting. (_)
D. For formal dinners, lunches, or appointments you always come at the exact time appointed. (_)
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1 resposta
Hi, Donay Mendonça!

A- False
B- False
C- True
D- True

Thanks. Have a good day! :)