Correção de texto: Interview

Well, well, well! There was I sitting down heavily an old chair in cold room waiting for my turn. I knew it was very early but I prefer to arrive early than show up later. I waited about 2 hours. I was freezing and very uncomfortable. But “it’s for a good cause” I thought.
Later on, a short man with smiling face and black jacket came into the room. Well, “I’m not alone”, I wondered. So, the time went by, I found myself among the at least fifteen people. “Are all that people for interview”? I answered to myself. Maybe!
The room was full and very quiet. There were People spread across: playing, sending the message and listening to music on their mobile. The other one were just looking, very thoughtful, (like me) at the degraded false ceiling.
It was raining outside! I just could see through the small window people came in and came out.
Suddenly the thin man who was dressed green clothes came into the room and told us “you lot came along with me”. I was I bit nervous. “Now is the time for truth, or maybe, to the action” I thought
In line, we walked against long corridor to a small room again. There, they took our passport and NIN. After that, a lady with blond hair came into the room holding many papers on her arms. “What it could be”? I thought. She began to distribute to us!
“Oh dear”! I mumble! “It is the literacy and numeracy test” I couldn’t believe that! “For that kind of job they need numeracy and literacy test”! I thought. Well, I could understand very well, why the company has been doing that! They couldn’t risk to have people that don’t understand English, so if something went wrong, it could worth a lot of money for them!
The test were very easy, even so, some people failed and they couldn’t passed to the next stage of interview. on my side there was a man with about fifty five years old. I could see that he did nothing, but I couldn’t help him, so the lady with blond hair was in front of us. I felt very sorry about him. He looked too worried and tired. His smiling face grew serious, so he failed the test.
a vossa correção please! thanks

Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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Edilia, my corrections and changes to your text are shown below:

Well, well, well! There was I sitting down heavily on an old chair in a cold room waiting for my turn. I knew it was very early but I preferred to arrive early than show up later. I waited for about 2 hours. I was freezing and very uncomfortable. But “it’s for a good cause” I thought.
Later on, a short man with a smiling face wearing a black jacket came into the room. Well, “I’m not alone”, I wondered. So, as the time went by, I found myself with at least fifteen people. “Are all those people for interview?” I asked to myself. Maybe!
The room was full and very quiet. There were people all over: playing, sending / texting the messages and listening to music on their mobile phones. The other ones were just looking, very thoughtful, (like me) at the degraded false ceiling.
It was raining outside! I just could see through the small window people coming in and came out.
Suddenly a slim man who was dressed in green clothes came into the room and told us “you lot come along with me”. I was I bit nervous. “Now is the time for the truth, or maybe, to the action” I thought
In line, we walked through a long corridor to another small room again. There, they took our passports and NIN. After that, a lady with blond hair came into the room holding many papers on her arms. “What could it be”? I thought. She started to distributing them to us!
“Oh dear”! I mumbled! “It is the literacy and numeracy test” I couldn’t believe that! “For that kind of job they need a numeracy and literacy test”! I thought. Well, I could understand very well, why the company was been doing that! They couldn’t risk having people that don’t understand English, so if something went wrong, it could cost them a lot of money for them!
The test was very easy, even so, some people failed and they couldn’t pass to the next stage of the interview. Beside me there was a man of about fifty-five years old. I could see that he did nothing, but I couldn’t help him, (so the lady with blond hair was in front of us). I felt very sorry about him. He looked too worried and tired. His smiling face grew serious, and he failed the test.