Como dizer "Brasileiro, casado, vacinado" em inglês

1 31 435

A - Os jogadores do River valorizaram (foi quase tudo fingimento).
B - Deixa eles. Eles são "Argentinos", casados, vacinados, que se virem.

Significado: Donos de si; donos do próprio nariz...

Em inglês(?)

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Eles são "Argentinos", casados, vacinados, que se virem.
They can look after themselves just fine. Don't worry about them.

Ele é brasileiro, casado, vacinado, que se vire.
He can look after himself just fine. Don't worry about him.

Bons estudos. Compartilhe.
A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
6 49 1.3k
I will paraphrase the E-online site (the English version, not the Portuguese one.)

At 20 years old, Justin Bieber is a grown man with a big bank account and the freedom to do what he wants (within reason). ... -interview

Now to have the answer to your question, just replace some little bits of it:
(At 18 years old)[1], he/she is a grown man/woman [2] with a big bank account and the freedom to do what he wants (within reason).

[1]Optional, the part within the brackets.
[2] a full grown man/woman (more dramatic, if you wish...)

Well, in Brazil these days you could also leave out the word "big" to match Brazilian reality! ;)
You could also omit the "within reason" as well, when writing or talking in the heat of the moment.
1 31 435
O forum é eclético:

como-dizer-voces-que-sao-brancos-que-se ... 39829.html

Quase igual..., ou igual?
6 49 1.3k
In a way you could say the same, might have some kind of intersection in sense, so in certain cases yes, you could use both ways (since you want to avoid to meddle in someone´s else business) but...

But, for "...casado, vacinado..." the first thing it comes to mind is that one means "it´s his business" or "let him do it, he is no child to be taken by the arm...". If he hit the head on the wall you chose to.
OR one could think "he is grown up enough to cross that street, don´t worry, grown ups have to do things on their own. It´s high time."

Whereas, "...que são brancos que se entendam"´s more about something that may involve a situation in which you do better if you leave things follow its flow, without interfering.
Say, two people are arguing, having a nasty row, they are interfere and when they make up they may turn into your enemy, or at least don´t like your interference (or the way you do.)
Or then, there´s a dispute between two people, you interfere and then, afterwards, you discover that they are getting nicely along, and they are now your enemy.
Situations like that. I gave two dramatic examples, but there are hundreds of others. The essence of it is, you don´t want to ask for trouble when sometimes it doesn´t worth it. You have to choose wisely your battles!
1 31 435
Free, white, and twenty-one.

(idiomatic, archaic, US) beholden to no one; master of one's own destiny. The variant "free, white and eighteen" is also common, perhaps more since the 26th Amendment.

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6 49 1.3k
Don´t know if it´s politically correct these days (if you get my drift...), but that´s fine by me.