Correção de texto: Culture of none enough

“Culture of none enough”
Nowadays we are living in a culture of nothing is enough: money, love, save, cloth, shoes, so on…even when it come to get “like” on Facebook! Yes, “like” on Facebook! Because there are people that use and expose picture of disability people not because they want to help them, but because they want to win the “like” as much as they can in order to fill their narcissistic failure.
Materialism is holding us down and blinding us from reality. We lived too concerned about others people life that we forget to appreciate the little and good things we’ve got in front of our eyes! We refused to see it! For example a simple smiling of our children!
Change your mind to make life easy! With a lot, or a little choose to make it easy! Because life is easy. Why do we make it so hard?
Why we don’t say “I’m enough, I’ve enough. I do enough and whatever anyone things of me is none of my busness”?
a vossa correção please!

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
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The title (...none enough) misled me, as if there was something amiss...I would expect "the culture of none is enough" (no one is enough/not one is enough as in ... one-enough)

"the culture of one is never enough/the culture of "it´s never enough" etc. From what follows from the text. Since "one is enough" contradicts your reasoning that comes afterwards. Unless you mean that you suggest that "one is enough", one morbid picture is enough, one people with morbid fascination for bad pictures/news etc, is enough, and so on...

The selfish culture/the egomaniacal culture/the self-seeking culture/the pseudo-celebrity culture...etc

Nowadays we are living in a culture of nothing is enough and everything is too much: money, love, save, cloth, shoes, so on…even when it comes to get “likes” on Facebook! Yes, “like” on Facebook! Because there are people that use and expose pictures of people with disabilities.
Not because they want to help them, but because they want to win “likes” as much as they can. In order to fill their narcissistic ego/mentality/personality. 
Materialism is holding us down and blinding us from reality. We are (1) too concerned about the life of other people that we forget to appreciate the little good things right in front of our eyes!
We simply refuse to see it! A simple smiling of our children, for example!
Change your mind and make life easy! With small or big/huge changes in life you can live easier (you can change your life for better). Because life is easy. Why do we make it so hard? 
Why we don’t say “I’m enough (already), I’ve enough. I am doing enough, no need to push myself to do more, only to satisfy anyone else. And whatever anyone thinks of me is none of my business. (and vice-versa...)

(1) Two points here:
A) if holding (verb in the present)
So´s “live” or ''are” (verbs in present, in this case I rather use “are”). So, it´s not advisable to change from a verb tense to another all of sudden, in the same paragraph. Unless there´s a reason to.

Edilia, your text almost got there! If you are trying to achieve academical skills, you shall try not to use strong words or overly negative tones (which shows a little, from the last writings). Unless it´s meant to be directed to a single person, you may consider to change the pattern a bit, so as not to leave that sense of uneasiness/discomfort in the eye of the reader.
For instance, a teacher/professor could think of it as a confrontational and bitter text.
Apart of this detail, you have expressed yourself in a satisfactory way, and one can even see that you have, somehow, used the popular wisdom (life is easy,...why we make it so hard? - a widely popular perception indeed.)
Thanks for trusting the EE, and keep up the good work. ;)