Como dizer "Estar devendo até as cuecas" em inglês

Como dizer "Estar devendo até as cuecas" em inglês
1 31 435
In debt up to one's eyeballs.
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Zumstein, gostei do seu post.

Just out of curiosity:

the check is in the mail

A catch phrase used by people, organizations, and credit lepers to appease other creditors, and other people and organizations waiting for money and is 1 of the top 3 lie top lies used by white males 18-65 living in the United States

Creditor: "Sir, we demand payment or we're going to repossess your car!"
Debtor: "B!tch please, the check is in the mail."
Creditor: "When did you put the check in the mail."
Debtor: "Sh!t. . . Just yesterday, probably be a few days to get through your whole billing process bull**** b!tch."
Creditor: "Okay sir, we had better see that come through or else."
From Urban Dictionary

Considerada por muitos: one of the biggest lies, when you agree you owe someone, but sarcastically you say you have already paid.

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1 31 435
Bolão, Cinnamon.

Veja aqui: Como dizer “Devo, não nego. Pago quando puder!” em inglês

Thank you!
1 31 435
Uma variaçãozinha:

Up to one's neck in st.

- Ele estava endividado até o pescoço.
- He was up to his neck in debt.
23 127 1.7k
Outra opção:

Owe money all over town
Ao pé da letra: dever a cidade inteira

You owe money all over town!

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up the creek (without a paddle)

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