Is there difference between 'weight excess' 'excess weight'?

Hi, everybody, what are the differences between "weight excess" and "excess weight"? I mean, is there difference in meaning"?

For example: "Excess weight increases the risk of health problems such as..." Might I write as follows "weight excess increases the risk..."?
Other example: "Weight excess has been correlated with X, Y..." or "Excess weight has been correlated with X, Y..."?


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Para dizer "excesso de alguma coisa" em inglês, "excess" é usado antes do substantivo (para contrariar a regra geral). Para formar expressões como "excesso de peso" ou "excesso de bagagem", é correta a utilização de "excess weight" e "excess baggage".

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No, you mightn´t do it as Weight Excess

both words WEIGHT and EXCESS are nouns;

weight OF excess > wrong
excess OF weight > right ..... " Excess weight increases the risk ... "