Como dizer "Apaziguar" em inglês

Como dizer "Apaziguar" em inglês
2 16
Como dizer "Apaziguar" em inglês?

Vejam o exemplo abaixo:

Dois de meus amigos estavam brigando no bar, tentei apaziguar(a situação) mas quase apanhei junto.

Algo similar em Inglês?


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Opção (informal):
  • Cool things down
  • Chill things out
  • Calm things down
My friends were fighting in a bar. When I tried to cool things down (ou "cool it down") I almost got hit / got decked.
... When I tried to chill things out...
... When I tried to calm things down...

Mais exemplos:
"He said his group had tried to avoid the fight, to try to chill things out." []
"Cops tried to cool things down, but the women insisted on pressing charges..."[]
"'re trying to drag him off the other guy, calm things down, and make sure no ..." [from the book "How to Win a Fight"]
Faça um teste de inglês e descubra seu nível em 10 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE
6 49 1.3k
One of the possibilities (but then, the "apaziguar" is a bit in the "active" side)

I almost was beaten up when I was trying to break a fight between two friends of mine.

I was just trying to keep the peace, when a fight between two friends broke out and I almost got beaten up (by them, or by one of them, by accident, unintentionally, etc).

(aqui "apaziguar" pode ser de uma forma reativa -como o exemplo acima- ou de forma mais passiva/pacífica (quase apanhei sem ter feito nada...)
23 127 1.7k
  • Smooth things over: apaziguar
The two players almost got into a fight before the coach smoothed things over between them.
Os dois jogadores quase tiveram uma briga antes do técnico apaziguar (as coisas entre eles).

We tried to smooth things over, but they all began to fight.
Nós tentamos apaziguar, mas todos começaram a brigar.

Bons estudos.
6 49 1.3k
A very good one, Donay! You are our Brazilian maestro in the EE! :P

So, piggy-backing on Donay´s definition, I elaborated this sentence:
I was almost beaten up when what I was just trying to do was to smooth things between two friends of mine!

Indeed, it was a good thing, the notion of "usually talking to the people involved", I was strugling to find a word or expression to convey that idea. Well done! It hit the nail on the head. ... h-sth-over
2 16
Olá pessoal,

Aprendi uma boa forma, que é: "break up a fight" = apartar uma briga.

Vejam o link: ... Two-People

Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
6 49 1.3k
Thank you Daniel for having confirmed my opinion, that´s very nice of you. :P
I am happy that you have made a search as well. ;)