Exercício: Identificar Verbos Regulares e Irregulares

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Vamos a um exercício sobre como identificar (diferenciar) verbos regulares e irregulares em inglês.
  • Quais verbos sublinhados a seguir são regulares e quais são irregulares? Use I (para irregulares) e R (para regulares).
A. I read a lot yesterday. I usually read to keep myself up to date. (_)
B. We played soccer and ate hot dogs at the club last weekend. (_)
C. I wasn't born yesterday! Tell me the truth. (_)
D. We went abroad last month. We had a great time. (_)
E. She cut her finger last night and needed somebody to help her. (_)
F. They passed the test because they studied hard. (_)
G. They tied the game on the second half and won the championship. (_)
Bons estudos.
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3 respostas
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Bom, não sei se estão corretas as respostas ><

a - I
b - R, I
c - I
d - I, I
e - I, R
f - R, R
g - I, I
felipeh6 7 58
a. I read a lot yesterday. I usually read to keep myself up to date. ( Irregular )
b. We played soccer and ate hot dogs at the club last weekend. ( Regular / Irregular )
c. I wasn't born yesterday! Tell me the truth. ( Irregular )
d. We went abroad last month. We had a great time. ( Irregular / Irregular )
e. She cut her finger last night and needed somebody to help her. ( Irregular / Regular )
f. They passed the test because they studied hard. ( Regular / Regular )
g. They tied the game on the second half and won the championship. ( Regular / Irregular )
A) R
B) R I
C) I
D) I I
E) I R
F) R R
G) R I