Correção de texto: Scope of practice


Could someone review the scope of practice of my department (Due Diligence team).

It's worth mentioning that "Cadastro Team" is the term that my company officially adopted to refer to another department.

"Find attached below the checklists of documents to local and international clients, to be sent by the due diligence team.

Note that it is not within the Due Diligence team activities scope to execute, analyze or follow up in any way the processes related to account opening or any other Cadastro Team activities.

This is a proactive action that will request all needed documentation for both teams, in order to make contact with the client more efficiently. However, after receiving the documentation, Due Diligence team will only act in the onboarding process and activities that relates to its competence."

Thank you!

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1 resposta
Telma Regina 9 65 608
This is a more clear and concise way to write what you are trying to say:

"The local and international clients document checklist, to be sent by the Due Diligence Team, is attached.

Note that it is not within the scope of the Due Diligence team activities to execute, analyze or any type of follow up of processes related to account opening or any other Cadastro Team activities.

This proactivity will require all relevant documentation from both teams, in order to make client contact more efficient. However, after receiving the documentation, the Due Diligence team will only act during the onboarding process and all activities that relates to its responsibility."

Tip: When writing a text always ask yourself "Can the person reading this text understand it easily?"

Note: I had help of a specialist on the subject matter to correct this text.