Powers that be - Tradução em português

OEstudantedeIngles 2 16 113
Hello! I heard that phrase in a song lyrics. Look ''Show me mercy from the powers that be, show me.." What do you guys think?
I reckon BE may be like 'seja' in this case

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2 respostas
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jorgeluiz 1 6 92
powers that be
Those who hold effective power in a system or situation: a plan vetoed by the powers that be.
(the free dictionary and tthesaurus)

PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Yeah, pigbacking on the above clue from Jorge:

Show me mercy from the powers that be, show me.."
-Me mostre (alguma) bondade/misericórdia por quem de direito, me mostre.
-Me mostre bondade/misericórdia por parte das autoridades (que podem fazê-lo), mostre me.