Exercise about phrasal verbs with take

Good morning everybody!

I've done an exercise about phrasal verbs with take, but I don't know if the sentences are correct.
Could someone correct them please?

The sentences are below:
- We will try to take over the world.
- Do you want to take out with me some day?
- I was thinking to take in some jobs.
- What will she take me for?
- Take down this tip for the test
- Ok, I was wrong. I take back what I said.
- Someone have to take this man away.
- The professor has taken her job apart.
- Everybody said that I take after my granddad
- I took up studying English in 2013.

Thanks in advance!

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
1 resposta
Telma Regina 9 65 608
Some corrections:

- We will try to take over the world. (OK)
- Do you want to take out with me some day? (X) (Nesse caso você diz: Do you want to go out with me some day?)
- I was thinking to take in some jobs. (X) ("Do some extra jobs" ou "I was thinking about taking on some extra jobs")
- What will she take me for? (OK) (ou "What does she take me for?")
- Take down this tip for the test. (OK)
- Ok, I was wrong. I take back what I said. (OK)
- Someone has to take this man away. (OK)
- The professor has taken her job apart. (OK)
- Everybody said that I take after my grandad. (OK)
- I took up studying English during 2013. (OK)