Correção de texto: Microscope

He approached an eye the lens and saw a green landscape crossed by wrinkles.
– It's impressive! – commented wonder.
Stood looking through the microscope until be surprised by a scene: a white tiny animal came with four pairs of legs; and most of the species appeared. He moved away the eye from the lens and began to stare at the leaf with the naked eye to see if he located the beings. He reported to the biologist that he had seen through the microscope, the biologist was to examine.

Ele encimou um dos olhos na lente e viu uma paisagem esverdeada e cortada por sulcos.
– É impressionante! – comentou maravilhado.
Permanecia a olhar pelo microscópio até que se surpreendeu com uma cena: surgiu um animalículo branco, com quatro pares de patas; e mais da espécie surgia. Afastou o olho da lente e passou a fitar a folha, a olho-nu, para ver se via os seres. Relatou para o biólogo o que vira pelo microscópio, e ele foi averiguar.

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1 resposta
Telma Regina 9 65 608
Some improvements to the text:

He approached an eye to the lens and saw a grooved green landscape.
– It's impressive! – he said amazingly.
He kept looking under the microscope until something surprised him: a tiny white thing with four pairs of legs came up; and more of the same species. He moved his eye away from the lens and looked directly at the leaf to check if he could see the tiny forms of life. He reported to the biologist what he had seen under the microscope, and the biologist went to examine it.