Correção de texto: "Watchmen"

Hi everybody. Can someone review my text?
There is no spoilers about the movie.

"This weekend I watched "Watchmen", a movie based on a comic book by Alan Moore, the same author of "V for Vendetta", another great comic that inspired a amazing movie.
The movie is about a superhero group in the 80's that are being hunted by a killer while they need to stop the Cold War.
All the heroes are normal people, without superpowers, but Dr Manhattan, that is so powerful he is called "god".
I recommend this movie, it is a good film and is available on Netflix."


Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
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Cinnamon 16 60 498
wflaviorj escreveu:Hi everybody. Can someone review my text?
There is no spoilers about the movie.

"This weekend I watched "Watchmen", a movie based on a comic book by Alan Moore, the same author of "V for Vendetta", another great comic that inspired AN amazing movie.
The movie is about a superhero group in the 80's that are being hunted by a killer while they need to stop the Cold War.
All the heroes are normal (ordinary) people, without superpowers, but Dr Manhattan, that is so powerful he is called "god".
I recommend this movie, it is a good film (and is) available on Netflix."

Hi there!
It is a very nice film review, quite informal and well-structured. I just wrote a tiny correction (an amazing), a suggestion to change (ordinary means common) due to the fact the word NORMAL can be misunderstood. The last note (and is) you can just cut that off.
It's really great!
Thanks Cinnamon. It's great have a place when I can try write some texts that help me improve my english.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Just a heads-up wflavio. ;)

All the heroes are ordinary people without any superpowers. But Dr Manhattan, that is so powerful is called "god".

Thanks Cinnamon. It's great to have a place where I can submit/post some texts to be proofread/polished or even edited. This really helps me to improve my English.
Thanks PPaulo.
Sometimes I make grammar mistakes that I only realize after you review my texts.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Don´t sweat it, everyone makes mistakes (me included).
That feeling of "wow! how couldn´t I see that at the time I proofread/before I sent the message?" is a sign that you are learning something. I would be very concerned if you didn´t noticed/realized them, not even after being reviewed. If you went like "where they are?", I can´t see even when you review!
Ha ha ha. ;)
Don´t be so hard on you, we all are life-long learners, aren´t I? :P