Exemplo de uma redação escrita em uma faculdade no exterior

gian2hard 1 7 52
Buenos dias everyone! :P

A título de curiosidade, deixo o link abaixo [fim do texto] para redação que escrevi pra minha cadeira de "Management decision making". O motivo de eu estar tocando nesse assunto é porque ontem mesmo estava comentando com um brother que estuda no Brasil sobre a diferença na quantidade de redações (papers, essays) que os alunos escrevem no Brasil e aqui fora, na Australia - AKA [c* do mundo] [down under].

Os trabalhos durante o semestre (menos provas) caem em duas categorias - redação ~2,500 palavras em média, apresentação oral, e relatórios de laboratório. As vezes as redações se destacam, dependendo da matéria/professor, você acaba tendo duas redações, uma individual e outra em grupo. Logo, cada semestre você acaba escrevendo, em média, 10,000 palavras. Obvio que isso depende muito do que você está cursando, por exemplo, eu curso Administração e Biotecnologia...o último tendo menos redações e mais trabalhos de laboratório, que envolvem escrever "reports" [relatórios].

No meu primeiro ano eu achava um absurdo ter que escrever uma redação de 2,500 palavras. Hoje eu acho que isso foi crucial pro desenvolvimento do meu Inglês e principalmente minha escrita (não que minha escrita seja lá grandes coisa, muito longe disso). Até onde eu sei, no Brasil, redação é cobrada somente no Enem, (verdade? mentira? O que acham?) o que é uma pena.

Eu acredito que o valor de aprender a escrever uma redação de qualidade vai alem do aprendizado universitário, e até vida real. O uso da gramática e ortografia correta é importante para qualquer forma de escrita; que se trate de um relatório de negócios ou um trabalho científico. Alem disso, eu acho que as redações ajudam muito a fixar conceitos e idéias que o cara aprende. É mais fácil lembrar de um conceito / uma ideia que você escreveu com suas próprias palavras, do que lembrar de conceitos/ideias que você só leu.

Qual a experiencia de vocês sobre trabalhos de redação? Eu conversei com uma pessoa só sobre isso. Não sei se isso se aplica para todas universidades, talvez depende de faculdade para faculdade?

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V4J ... g=h.gjdgxs

A redação acima é sobre cultura organizacional
CO é a cultura em seu sentido antropológico existente em uma organização composta por práticas, símbolos, hábitos, comportamentos, valores éticos e morais, além de princípios, crenças, cerimônias, políticas internas e externas, sistemas, jargão e clima organizacional. A cultura influencia todos os membros dessa organização como diretrizes e premissas para guiar seus comportamentos e mentalidades.

Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
You are a skilled writer, buddy! Academical writing is not small potatoes, wether in English, Portuguese or any other language.
As for the Enem exam or the entrance exams from most universities in Brazil, my impression is that those are designed to the Brazilian student (read - the sort of student doesn´t read much and don´t communicate much, outside his "Internetese" SMS texts).
Of course this is not a Brazilian exclusive trait. One just going into some international chat room will soon learn that to each roomful with 50 members six to ten will chat, and a fraction of those will go beyond "Hi, how are you?" and basic chats.
But we have a real problem...it´s that we have abandoned "interpretation of text" as it was, that is, now we are given a reading passage and then we single out a word to be given his meaning by choosing from a multiple choice question.
Grammar was phased out altogheter (or made simple enough to a fifth-grade to answer - without much of a reasoning.), and it´s part of a language since one needs "structures" (and to know it viz-à-viz his mother tongue) to make himself understood.
And this is not unique to English, the Portuguese of some of our students is a mess. Some of us doesn´t even know how to ask something or report the situation to our boss. I have been busy sometimes with some friends that come to me to be helped "to think". And to put those thoughts on paper sometimes. We are becoming a nation of being given the fish, instead of being taught (how) to fish.
Well, this was a bit of generalization, I know that there are a lot of us that really strive for excellence or at least for "fending for themselves" in an average way.
The proof is here, a lot of guys around here trying to learn English and put it to use. ;)
gian2hard 1 7 52
PPAULO escreveu:As for the Enem exam or the entrance exams from most universities in Brazil, my impression is that those are designed to the Brazilian student (read - the sort of student doesn´t read much and don´t communicate much, outside his "Internetese" SMS texts).
I think the Enem's essay question is designed to gauge the students' ability to communicate their thoughts precisely, concisely and accurately, but sadly, beyond that it does nothing to remedy the fact that most students write, well, pretty badly to put it nicely. Both schools and universities in Brazil should put more emphasis on written assignments in my honest opinion. Take any course, students sometimes finish their degree without having written a single word, then they go on to do a post graduation only to find themselves climbing the walls with frustration when they have to write their thesis.

I've been working as a freelance translator for about half a year now, I translate mainly in the sciences, so virtually all translations are scientific manuscripts that are going to be published. Many of the manuscripts I get, are quite frankly, appalling. The piss-poor written manuscripts I see makes me wonder how people would survive without editors. I've seen awful stuff like this coming out from top-tier colleges in Brazil, including a few from the University of SP, so I would say this sheer inaptitude in writing may be quite systemic --compared to countries in which Higher Education focus on a lot more on written assignments. Obviously, take this with a grain of salt though, I can't speak for everyone and the evidence I provide is well, just what I perceive to be the case :P
Of course this is not a Brazilian exclusive trait. One just going into some international chat room will soon learn that to each roomful with 50 members six to ten will chat, and a fraction of those will go beyond "Hi, how are you?" and basic chats.
Well, I guess chatrooms are packed with horny 13-year-old teenagers so I wouldn't expect to see much going on in those :P
But we have a real problem...it´s that we have abandoned "interpretation of text" as it was, that is, now we are given a reading passage and then we single out a word to be given his meaning by choosing from a multiple choice question.
I guess this is the case in most schools and colleges, again, this could be countered by actually getting students to read and write on topics instead.

OEstudantedeIngles 2 16 113
''Well, I guess chatrooms are packed with horny 13-year-old teenagers so I wouldn't expect to see much going on in those''
That's true , I'm still trying to find a good chatroom to hold a decent conversation haha ;)
gian2hard 1 7 52
That's true , I'm still trying to find a good chatroom to hold a decent conversation haha ;)
Chatrooms are boring man, just go to Omegle and have fun chatting with random strangers http://www.omegle.com/. or, If that's not really your thing then I'd consider jumping on the reddit.com ship. You'll find a "subreddit" to discuss just about anything! :P