Than how we sit with the great - Tradução em português

How we talk the broken speaks louder than how we sit with the great. Eu nao entendi muito bem essa frase alguém poderia me ajudar?

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2 respostas
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Redseahorse 4 36 579

Se a frase estiver ortograficamente correta, deve-se considerar o uso de figuras de linguagem (palavras e pensamentos). De fato, é um tanto complicado traduzi-la; Não obstante, penso que a tradução abaixo seja coerente:

" A maneira como tratamos os inferiores, tem mais valor do que a maneira como somos tratados pelos superiores "

* Interpretações divergentes poderão aflorar!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
“How we walk with the broken speaks louder than how we sit with the great.”

Also "O modo como tratamos os abalados (de coração partido/necessitados/socialmente desfavorecidos) fala mais alto do que a forma que você se predispõe a se entrosar [1] com os grandes (as pessoas importante/eminentes etc...)."

[1] se associar/se acomodar com/socializar/tratar com, etc...

In other words, how do we generally treat the deemed by society as great? The ones of higher rank? We want to be closer to them, we don´t avoid them, because they have something to give, it´s a trade-up (theoretically)... I have to treat you well and you are expected to give me something back in return.
So, we are prone to condescend, to treat them well, even to bow politely to them, but this is the usual and easy, everybody would do that.
It´s to side to the needy, to walk with the abused, to share with them, to defend the ones that can´t
Find solace, comfort and support for his cause. This is the real challenge in one´s life.

"To walk with" in this case is synonymous with "to help" and be "understanding/compassionate" towards someone else (mostly people with no special status or rank), as opposed to think just of himself.

That doesn´t means exactly that we have to be enemy of the great, it´s about how we treat and value every people.