Didn't like my telling her x Didn't like me telling her

2 16
Olá pessoal,

Vejam a frase abaixo:

I think he didn't like my telling her that he cheated on her.
I think he didn't like me telling her that he cheated on her.

Poderiam por favor me dizer qual é a frase correta(se existir uma)? e por que?


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23 127 1.7k
O trecho a seguir em inglês, retirado do Wordreference, traz explicações a respeito.
Well you have two choices.

1. Do you have any objection to me watching you.
2. Do you have any objection to my watching you.

Not much difference but 1 does put the focus on 'me' while 2 puts the focus on 'watching.'
Consider this:

- I don't want him watching me while I paint.
- Do you have any objection to me watching you?
- No, you I don't mind, it's just him I can't stand.

As for the grammar of the 'my,' it's claiming possession of the action: my watching, my reading, my writing.

I am reading this book. This betters my soul.
My reading this book betters my soul.

I am watching you paint. Do you have any objection to that?
Do you have any objection to my watching you paint?
Bons estudos.
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
2 16 113
Ficaria com> ''I think he didn't like me telling her that he'd cheated on her''

23 127 1.7k
As duas opções estão corretas. Tanto "my" quanto "me" são usados.

A rigor, a opção com "me" é mais informal e menos recomendada se você for fazer um teste, redação, etc.

Bons estudos.
2 16
Olá Donay,

Qual seria o nome dessa regra que permite os 2 usos? Queria estudá-la mais a fundo.
Além disso, estou bastante curioso, pois quase nunca vejo o uso de ''my'' nesse caso.

Obrigado pela resposta.