Correção de texto: Each day is a victory

I use to think we are somehow all unsung heroes. It does not matter how we look, what we do for work, but every day which passes by, is a new victory. Perhaps this can be a little bit baffled, but in just one day, we work eight hours straight or maybe even more than that. Besides the job, some people use their time lefting to study, some people go to the universities, others take an online degree, by the way are restless about their daily routine and seeking to improvement. It becomes a hard grind, primary for most of us, when we do not do everything that we were supposed to. But you know what ? even if you could not do everything which you wanted, just because you worked hard and did the most of your stuff, you had a day gained. Everybody has its function, everyone should be knowing full well how is special, how is important in different ways of other people.

O professor das celebridades Daniel Bonatti ensina várias técnicas para você ter conversas melhores mesmo com conhecimentos básicos de inglês. Com as power questions você vai aprender a direcionar a conversa para onde quiser e com isso alcançar seus objetivos na comunicação. ACESSAR AULA
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I use to think we are somehow all unsung heroes. It does not matter how we look, what we do for work, but every day [that] passes by, is a new victory. Perhaps this can be a little bit baffled, but in just one day we work eight hours straight or maybe even more than that. Besides the job, some people use their time
to study, some people [attend a University], others take an online degree, [~Não entendi direito o que você quis dizer aqui -> by the way are restless about their daily routine and seeking to improvement.] It becomes a hard grind [primarily] for most of us when we do not do everything that we were supposed to. But you know what ? Even if you [cannot do] everything you wanted just because you worked hard and did the most of your stuff, you had a day gained. Everybody has [~Acho que seria "their" -> their] function. Everyone should be knowing full well how it's special, how it's important in different ways of other people.

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Espero ter ajudado. Não sei se TUDO que eu falei está totalmente correto, mas se tiver mais alguém pra corrigir será bem-vindo.
can be a little bit baffling.

by the way are restless about their daily routine and seeking to improvement. A parte do "by the way" não ficou clara para. O termo tem o significado de "a propósito", por isso não tem muito significado na frase. O resto eu trocaria pelo seguinte: "are restless about their daily routine and seeking to improve".

Gained a day.

Everyone should know how special they are, and how they are important in different ways for other people.