Como dizer "Carimbo e Carimbar" em inglês

Como dizer "Carimbo e Carimbar" em inglês
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
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Português: Carimbo; Carimbar
Inglês: Stamp; Rubber Stamp; Stamp


Stamp (noun): a stamp is a small block of wood or metal which has a pattern or a group of letters on one side; a mark or seal printed by such a block.[Wordreference]
Stamp (verb): to put a mark, symbol, the date, etc., on (something) to indicate that it is genuine, that it has approval or permission, or the like. [Wordreference]

Exemplos de uso traduzidos:
  • I need a new stamp. [Eu preciso de um carimbo novo.]
  • The immigration officials stamped my passport. [Os oficiais da imigração carimbaram meu passaporte.]
  • Our rubber stamps are made of top quality rubber and wood. [Nossos carimbos são feitos de borracha e madeira de alta qualidade.]
  • Do not leave the Courtroom without a copy of your Order that has the judge's signature and stamp on it. [Não saia do tribunal sem uma cópia da sua Ordem que tenha a assinatura do juiz e o carimbo.]
Mais exemplos:
  1. Where is my stamp? 'I am using it now.'
  2. Did the man at the office stamp the document?
  3. This rubber stamp is too expensive.
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1 resposta
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Thomas 7 62 297
Be aware that "to be a rubber stamp" or "to rubber stamp" has another meaning: "to approve blindly a decision, approval, or rule made by another." Let's say that all your written work must be approved by your supervisor. If he/she knows and respects your work, he/she may "rubber stamp it" without first reading it.