I'm, like, puzzled that you wanted... - Tradução em português

Alguém por favor pode me traduzir certo essa frase:

"I am, like, puzzled that you wanted to talk to me so it's on both sides".

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
1 resposta

Carsten: Here we go, hello Lori.
Lori: Hello Carsten.
Carsten: How are you?
Lori: I’m doing great, how are you?
Carsten: Yeah, fine, fine.
Lori: Oh good, I’m so glad you agreed to talk to me.
Carsten: Yeah, I’m, like, puzzled that you wanted to talk to me so it’s on both sides.
Lori: Oh, why would you think that?
Carsten: Because it’s just like, I was amazed that you contacted me and I’m very grateful for it and I’m happy to be on your show.
Lori: Oh, well it’s a real pleasure.
Carsten: Where are you now, you are in the Netherlands, right?

Nesse contexto, eu traduziria da seguinte forma:
"Eu estou, diria..confuso em razão de que você queria falar comigo. Portanto, a reciproca é verdadeira."