Como dizer "Acordo Judicial" em inglês

jorgeluiz 1 6 92
Acordo Judicial é quando o acusado tem a promessa de leniência, penas diminuidas e até anistia dependendo de sua cooperação com a justiça, na solução do caso, na recuperação da vítima e/ou dos bens. A Delação Premiada é um tipo de acordo Judicial ou PLEA DEAL.


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1 resposta
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
In this case it can be a "plea deal" or "plea bargain", etc.

There are cases in which "um acordo judicial" can be an arrangement, as in:

"2.3.2 Bankruptcy
A bankrupt is an individual against whom the court has made a bankruptcy order.

The court can declare a person bankrupt on petition from the individual, one or more of their creditors, or the supervisor of an individual voluntary arrangement. The order indicates that the person is unable to pay their debts and, subject to certain exceptions, deprives them of their property, which can then be sold in order to pay their creditors.

Or plea agreement/court settlement, and other ways (in general, "acordo judicial" is an agreement/settlement of sorts:

The defendants signed plea agreements to pay fines.
Os arguidos assinaram um acordo judicial (plea agreement) no que se refere ao pagamento de multas.

(source: Linguee)