Exercício: Which phrase is correct?

Subjugate ants of the genus Formica, but come to utterly depend on them for their subsistence.

A) Not only Polyergus ants do
B) Not only do Polyergus ants
C) It's not only that Polyergus ants
D) Not only that Polyergus ants

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6 respostas
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OEstudantedeIngles 2 16 113
Acredito que seja A
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214

Because fronted "Not only" triggers inversion. The non-inverted example in option A sounds strange to the crushingly overwhelming majority of native speakers of any variety of English. But we should not outright dismiss option C for the reason mentioned in the next paragraph.

While the preposed adverbial construction "Not only do Polyergus ants..." (Option B) does not have exactly the same force as the cleft¹ construction "It's not only that Polyergus ants..." (Option C), it nonetheless seems to me—I haven't pondered this too deply—that clefting preferably serves the communicative functions of explanation and disinterested contrast-drawing. IOW, we might rewrite the sentence in option C as follows: "It's not only that Polyergus ants subjugate ants of the genus Formica. They come to utterly depend on them for their subsistence." Of course, someone else may rewrite it differently.

¹ Those interested in learning more about "cleft sentences/constructions" may find this article interesting.
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214

A couple more attempts at rewriting/rephrasing that sentence follow:

Polyergus ants subjugate formica ants for subsistence.
Polyergus ants slave formica ants for subsistence.
Polyergus ants oppress formica ants into sustaining their colony.

You might come up with a better rewording!
A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
Telma Regina 9 65 608

Temos que analisar a conjunção "Not only...but (also)". Nesse caso para definirmos a sentença correta" temos que verificar qual palavra vem imediatamente após "but", no caso é um verbo (come) e, como as cláusulas devem ser "paralelas", a palavra que deve vir imediatamente após "not only" deve ser também um verbo (que no caso é "do").

Not only do Polyergus ants subjugate ants of the genus Formica, but come to utterly depend on them for their subsistence.

Cf. /conjuncoes-em-ingles/