Significado de "Feel religion"?

Hello folks!
Estava escutando uma música que me recomendaram chamada Colors, da cantora Halsey; eis que ela fala uma coisa que, pelo menos para mim, não fez sentido.

"I know I've only felt religion when I've lied with you"

Na tradução está escrito "Eu sei que só senti religião quando estava deitada com você"

Grato por qualquer ajuda :-)

PS.: Se alguém quiser o contexto maior, aqui vai:

You were a vision in the morning when the light came through
I know I've only felt religion when I've lied with you
You said you'll never be forgiven 'til your boys are too
And I'm still waking every morning but it's not with you

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1 resposta
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
The song is about a depressed (or desperate with the situation) singer (the lead singer of the band), and it´s about his brother.
Perhaps he was so desperate to the point of losing his faith in religion to solve his (social and personal) crisis. But then when his brother came back home, it was the only moment he became confident again, he had what he had asked in his prayers, his brother coming back. But as it was taking so long, his faith would falter, he couldn´t believe it would happen even if he wanted... ... -of-colors