Correção de texto: eating disorder

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You see a thin model walking and you want to have her body. For this reason you stop eating and start forcing the vomit. When it happens, it is time to think about see a doctor because you may have a serious problem. Some bad eating habits can be a illness, when it causes harm to your mental, emotional and physical health.
Anorexia and bulemia are eating disorders of which the number of cases is rising especially among teenagers girls. The strong desire to getting thin and the seeking for a perfect body are important characteristics to understand these disorders. People who suffer with this disorders have in common the excecive worry with weight and fear to get fat, as well as a distortion in the body image which make people not to see themselves how they are in reality.

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Hi Andrezzatkm,

Possible changes:
You see a thin model walking and you want to have her body. For this reason you stop eating and start making yourself throw up. When it happens, it is time to think about seeing a doctor because you may have a serious problem. Some bad eating habits can be a illness, when it causes harm to your mental, emotional and physical health.

Anorexia and bulimia are eating disorders of which the number of cases is rising especially among teenage girls. The strong desire to get thin and seeking the perfect body are important characteristics to understand these disorders. People who suffer with these disorders have in common the excessive worry with weight and fear to get fat, as well as a distortion of the body image which makes people not see themselves how they are in reality.
"Chamar o juca" reference: