Como dizer "Ela está encarregada disso" em inglês

How to say this expression (I believe it's an expression).

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6 49 1.3k
These would do:
She is in charge of...
She is responsible for...

She was charged in "She was charged with supervising the kitchen..."
Granted, it suggests past, but then it could be said about something which the consequences are still in place. In such case, she is still in charge of the kitchen.
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PPAULO escreveu:These would do:
She is in charge of...
She is responsible for...

She was charged in "She was charged with supervising the kitchen..."
Granted, it suggests past, but then it could be said about something which the consequences are still in place. In such case, she is still in charge of the kitchen.
So - She was charged with supervising the kitchen - She was charged of supervising the kitchen
She is in charge of supervising the kitchen - She is in charge with supervising the kitchen.

Both work, right?

Also, is it a transitive verb? Charge? Or it can only be used in the passive voice?
6 49 1.3k
To me "to be charged of" is a more permanent situation, whereas with "charged with" she was "encarregada" in a more ad hoc way (say, everyone comes to a place and everyone is assigned a task - she was charged with the kitchen.) It even mean "to be responsible for something", but I would think it as task-wise.

I am afraid (be) "in charge of" is good wording to our currently examples, charged with is okay, but I would drop "charged of" (it could make confusion with "charged of some demeanor or crime, etc).

"To be in charge of" is an expression, not a verb per se, and it´s understood as a noun (the one who is in charge = the one in charge of) so I am not going to say it´s transitive or not. It´s not a verb in such case, albeit the word "charge" is in the sentence.