Error x Mistake: Qual a diferença

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Como dizer "erro" em inglês: mistake, error. Confira a diferença entre "mistake" e ''error".


a. They commited/made an error.(Eles cometeram um erro.)
b. It was a computer error.(Foi um erro do computador.)
c. An error of judgement.(Um erro de julgamento.)
d. The tragedy was caused by human error.(A tragédia foi causada por "falha" humana.)

-->"Error" é mais formal do que "mistake".Nos itens "c" e "d" é recomendável o uso de "error" ao invés de "mistake."

2. Mistake:

a. We all make mistakes.(Todos nós cometemos erros.)
b. It was a big mistake.(Foi um grande erro.)
c. She didn't admit her mistake.(Ela não admitiu o erro.)
d. There were a few spelling mistakes.(Havia alguns erros de ortografia.)

-->"Mistake" é menos formal e mais comum do que ''error''.

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5 respostas
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Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Hi Donay,

Only to note that in baseball there are only "errors," never mistakes!

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Hi Henry,

I'm curious! What does it mean? Technically speaking, people don't use the word "mistake" in baseball?
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Hi Donay

Yes, it's very cute, charming, and curious for newcomers to the game, to hear sports announcers say things like "Well, he committed an error at a crucial moment. This will likely cost them the game." Etc., etc. If you look at players' statistics, or game stats, they actually "count" the errors. Baseball is a game of innumerable statistics... There's probably a lot on Google about baseball errors.

Remember the movie "A League of their own," about the women's baseball league during the war? Tom Hanks gets desperate at one point and yells at of the gals, "Don't cry! There's no crying in baseball!" Well, there are no mistakes in baseball, just errors!

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Hi Henry,

Awesome!It's funny how certain details can make a difference in a language. You expect all kinds of peculiarities but they are nothing like you imagine.
Para complementar,

Segundo um livro de gramática que consultei

Um "error" é menos grave que um "mistake"

11X11=120 --> error
Comprar uma Brasília ano 79 por 10 mil reais --> big mistake
