Como usar o termo "whether"

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Hi folks,

a) I don't know "whether" she's abroad. (Não sei se ela está no exterior.)
b) I'm not sure "whether" she will like it. (Não tenho certeza se ela vai gostar.)
c) He doubts "whether" they'll turn up. (Ele duvida "se" elas virão.)
d) I'll go, "whether you like it or not." (Eu irei não "importa se você quer ou não.")

That´s all folks!

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4 respostas
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Hello there

Whether tambem poderia ser usado nesse caso?

" Preciso passar nessa prova, 'seja' estudando ou colando"
Cinnamon 16 60 498
Hi Cassie!

I wouldn't use "whether" this way. You see, it is common used in negatives and sometimes it is confusing because it seems to be like "if". The main difference, I guess is whether is not about conditionals/conditions, but possibilities, different ways things can be....

To say seja there are many options, thinking about the idea of "seja A ou seja B" or "seja assim ou seja assado."LOL
Use simply "or", "that is", "so that" and even "either"

Daniel Reis 2 16

Acho que uma opção para a frase dela é: '' ...either by studying or by cheating'' também acho que pode remover o ''by'' mas isso a galera aí vai responder o que acham.

Juliana Rios 24 105 397
While I agree with Cinnamon's general reasoning, "whether" can and often does assume the meaning of "seja". Take the following sentences for instance:

Every human being is worthy of love, whether black or white.
= Todo o ser humano merece amor, seja negro ou branco.

We all make mistakes, whether through act or omission.
= Nós todos cometemos erros, seja através de atos ou de omissão.

It can be worked into Cassie's sentence with a minor adjustment to how it's phrased:

"I need to pass the test, whether by studying or by cheating."