Tradução de frases com preposições em inglês

Traduzam estas frases para mim (?)

1 ) My best friend lives up the street from me.
2) He ran up the path and hugged her.
3)The blast could have launched the soldier off his feet.
4)He fell backwards off the stool.
5)She took a couple of steps backwards
6) There is a post office over the bridge.

Obrigado !

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2 respostas
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Thomas 7 62 297
1 ) My best friend lives up the street from me.
...perto de mim na mesma rua.

2) He ran up the path and hugged her.
...correu pela trilha, subiu correndo pela trilha

3)The blast could have launched the soldier off his feet.
...tombou o soldado

4)He fell backwards off the stool.
...caiu de costas do banquinho

5)She took a couple of steps backwards
...deu dois passos para atrás.

6) There is a post office over the bridge. outro lado do ponte.

Thank you !