Spot paintings; Career-spanning - Tradução em português

Simon Vasconcelos 11 224
Full circle: the endless attraction of Damien Hirst's spot paintings

Damien Hirst's 1,500 career-spanning, geometrically relentless spot paintings are taking over the planet. Adrian Searle longs for a smear, a wobble – or one with no purple in it.
The titles of Damien Hirst's spot paintings give them a slightly menacing, as well as a dangerously attractive, air: Cocaine Hydrochloride, Morphine Sulphate, Bovine Albumin, Butulinium Toxin A. Their relentless, insistent brightness feels almost bad for you. No wonder one group of paintings is called Controlled Substances. Yet they have no discernable secrets, and that's part of the deal. Nothing more is revealed, however long you look. They're as unsatisfying as cigarettes, calming but addictive. Avoid prolonged exposure.
So here come the spots: a quarter century of two, three, four and five-inch circles, with some as big as 40in across, and others just a couple of millimetres. Never mind the shifts from imperial measurements to metric: they're all just spots.

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
1 resposta
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

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O que é "spot paintings"?

- Career spanning: de toda uma carreira.

Bons estudos!