Still with your english test? - Tradução em português

Eu ''entendi'', mas não sei se ela quis dizer se eu ainda estou testando meu inglês ou querendo testar? A pessoa sabe que estou aprendendo inglês, mas me mandou isso no facebook.

Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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Sounds like a spoken (I mean, informal here) way of saying "are you still with your English test?", only that shortened.

Could be what you thought, but seems at first (to me, just a passing buddy asking "você ainda está (aí) estudando pro teste?/ estudando no teste? com esse teste? nesse teste? - and so on).

Sounds to me the same as "are you still studying?".

It may also denote a slightly surprise, maybe your chummy was delighted to see you around (online) and just let you know that he/she dropped by. You could say something and get back to your studying or drop it altogheter (for a time) and engage in some small talk (for instance, ask help or let her/him know your development). Up to you, then.

Questions like "are you still at work?" are common.

Further reading...

We use still to show that something continues up to a time in the past present or future. It goes in front of the main verb

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