What can we do to leave a better planet for our children?

What can we do to leave a better planet for our children?
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Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Question: What can we do to leave a better planet for our children?


- We should stop hurting the environment.
- Investing in education should be a top priority.

Now it's your turn!
O professor das celebridades Daniel Bonatti ensina várias técnicas para você ter conversas melhores mesmo com conhecimentos básicos de inglês. Com as power questions você vai aprender a direcionar a conversa para onde quiser e com isso alcançar seus objetivos na comunicação. ACESSAR AULA
27 respostas
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- Eat organic food.

Why? - Because it is good for you and, just as important, it is better for the environment as it eliminates the use of harmful pesticides and fertilisers that affect the natural and fragile ecosystems surrounding the farms.

When available buy food from biodynamic farms.

Ah, yes, also eat less meat - yes, yes, to save the environment.

Look it up and read about it - but do so in English..!!
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
People ought not to litter the streets. The more they litter them, the bigger the litter pile gets, with their children sinking right through it.
Recycle everything you can. Without our planet in great conditions, we're vulnerable to extinction =(

At this point in time we need to do everything in favour of sustainability so that our children won't live that long, it's fact.
Arandir 2
I've been worried about climate change.
In my opinion the actions of individuals can make a difference.
Nowadays the people recycle more than in the past, however there are still several obstacles to significant actions about the enviromental savings.
Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Yesterday the topic in the classroom was “the new generation of parents and children”.
Nowadays, most of young women have to work, so they spend much less time with their children than our mothers used to spend with us. It is obvious that it will interfere in the way these children are brought up, but there are many ways to get around such situation.

Coincidentally, I read today about Supernanny Brazil, broadcasted by SBT (and that I’ve never watched). I read that for the first time the “Supernany” gave up and did not finish the episode. Reason: the problem was not the children; it was the mother, who preferred to spend her time surfing the internet instead of taking care of the kids. Furthermore, the mother refused to change her behavior.

What notion of family, moral and respect will these children have? How will they manage their own families in the future, after having such bad examples?
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
Hi Flávia,

I don't have any kids yet , but I'd like to leave a clean planet to my future kids, well It's sounds I'm joking however by the time I eat some fruit remaining seed, instead of put it off I'm used to collect and throw away it near forests.

I´v seen a lot of little trees grew up by me. The kind of trees are ( I don´t know if it there is a translation in English) :
- Mango, pitanga, acerola, jaca,coconut, caja, ameixa...

I guess that some wanting people and animals could eat and to change carbon in organic matter it helps to enviroment (flora and fauna).

Some people tell me that I mess with or it's a lost case... Nevertheless Ithink it moving forward helping a environmental reserve.

We are tied in our planet to survive, then let's avoid to pollute, beaches, rivers, waste ground...

Indeed, Starting a good example is picking one up childrens!

I was very disapoointed with USA by the time they did a terrible procrastination in the last metting of Enviroment (at Brussels in Belgium ), before I guessed Obama would be more conscious as Bush.
What the world need is think outside the box and help others...

ailime 2
Firstly, we should reduce the huge gap between the rich and the poor. If we give an adequate education to the poor we are providing them a tool to break out of poverty. I belive that by reducing the inequality, consequently we can reduce the violence and provide a better world for our childdren in the future.
Secondly, we should improve our environment by cleaning up our air and water and taking measures to reduce the global warming. Although our government has already started the ethanol program, we have been still lagging behind other countries in taking strict measures to reduce or even to eliminate the pollution.
Finally, our government should not turn a blind eye to the problems and increase the investments in infrastructures which could improve significantly all the sectors.
ailime escreveu:Firstly, we should reduce the huge gap between the rich and the poor. If we give an adequate education to the poor we are providing them a tool to break out of poverty. I belive that by reducing the inequality, consequently we can reduce the violence and provide a better world for our childdren in the future.
Secondly, we should improve our environment by cleaning up our air and water and taking measures to reduce the global warming. Although our government has already started the ethanol program, we have been still lagging behind other countries in taking strict measures to reduce or even to eliminate the pollution.
Finally, our government should not turn a blind eye to the problems and increase the investments in infrastructures which could improve significantly all the sectors.

In my opinion, the words firstly and secondly when used in this contex and structure are somewhat obsolete, and archaic. With that being said, I would like to submit the following rewrite for your review and comments.

First, I believe that by reducing the inequality in earning potential between the rich and poor we can reduce crime and violence, and the best way to accomplish this goal is to require and provide an adequate education for all children regardless of the income of the family.

Second, we as a nation must insist and pressure our government to pursue the development of additional alternative energy sources, and to become a world leader in the efforts to reduce polution of all types especially those that contribute to global warming.

Finally, we must demand that our government recognize problems and proactively seek solutions to the same, while increasing investments in infrastructures which have the potential of improving the lot of the people.
We can recycle of the papers, plastic bottle, alumin.
In my opinion, our governaments will nedd, attencion this problem. This is serious and very important.
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
ailime 2

Yes, I do agree with you that "firstly" and "secondly" seems to be quite informal to this context, but I did not know that it was obsolete.

I have read our texts several times in order to compare with each other properly so that I could see the differences between them. It`s not easy to comment on someone`s writing, specially yours, that for me is perfect. You have always been able to convey your ideas clearly through straight and adequate phrases. What can I say more?

By the way, I have a doubt in what you wrote in the end of the last paragraph: "increasing investments in infrastructures which have the potential of improving the lot of the people." What is the meaning of "the lot" here? Is it correct, or you meant "the lives"?

Thank you very much!!
Gabi 1 1 19
One of the things we should do is always avoid wasting. Always thinking of how to make the most of
what we use and be aware that we can reuse, recycle, transform it in somehing else or instead of chucking it out , giving it to someone else, things we don't want or don't need anymore.

e.g. - Do you know when we are cooking and we need to chop up some garlic, onion or anything else that
can make our hands smelly?
To get your hands off smell, don't go for the washing-up liquid, first try some salt dissoveld in warm water, it will do as good as a handwash and like that you don't need washing-up, keep at least a bit of running water detergent free.

It's something small, considering a week, a month, a year doing this, it'll be a great thing.
ailime escreveu:Bill,

..." What is the meaning of "the lot" here? Is it correct, or you meant "the lives"?

Thank you very much!!

Lot as used in this post means lives, and is, as I thought, listed as a synonym in my Synonyms Theasaurus. It probably was not the best choice of words, especially when conversing with a non native speaker, as this meaning is somewhat obscure.

I stand corrected, and extend my apologies for my unintentional obfuscation. ;) :D
ailime 2

I really did not know that. It`s new for me.
Thank you very much for answering me.
Logan18 1
Firstly we need to make people bear in their minds that preserves the environment is very important to improve our quality of life. Secondly we must decrease the emission of polluting gases on the environment and agreeing with Renan said we need to recycling everything I can, to change what we've done to the environment year after years. So, guys let's do our part to leave a better planet for ours children!
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
We should have whatever a little. Like intelligence, that is the most important - people are not this way like before. Several times I caught me thinking about that, but I think it's almost impossible, because we can't change the world n the situations alone, we need us more than anytime.. and people don't care about that.
Adriano Japan 1 2 21
Mainly, think about the others everytime you take an action.
That saves everything.
My wonder is: is that hard to do? :|

Cut lines, watch your cell phone instead your walk, rush into a train instead let people get off first, turn up your sh*t music as louder as you can in crowded places... typical third world actions.
I say, unbelievably selfish/sociopathic people lacking of common sense you may find everywhere, even in socially perfect Finland, Netherlands,etc..

But in Brazil.. it's kinda.. I don't know.. :| you gotta be closed in your social circle to live 100% well..
In Brazil, money buys isolation to keep you away from the povão.
It's a true and sad situation.
Living among highly educated people like in Japan or UK, it never even crosses your mind to try to win the lottery.
Being respected and with Freedom to do what you want, what else would you want?
Hi Folk,

I think we should to improve the education, because the world is get worse on each generation.
Ten years ago, we didn't see assault against our professors or teachers!

What about people on traffic in São Paulo? Polite?

Eduardo Souza escreveu:Hi Folk,

I think we should to improve the education, because the world is get worse on each generation.
Ten years ago, we didn't see assault against our professors or teachers!

What about people on traffic in São Paulo? Polite?


May I offer a few suggestions, in the form of a rewrite, to improve your post. Please let me know what you think.

"I think we should improve the discipline in the education system, it appears to get worse with each generation, for example, ten years ago we never heard about assults against professors or teachers, which is an everyday occurance now.

I would also like to address the problem of the drivers in Sao Paulo and their lack of manners, or concern for the rights of others."

Thank you for your suggestions!

I've been learnign English for one year and half and just now I'm starting try my writing.

Let me know about my faults.

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
Eduardo Souza escreveu:Bill,

Thank you for your suggestions!

I've been learnign English for one year and half and just now I'm starting try my writing.

Let me know about my faults.


You are apparently a good student, and it is my pleasure to offer suggestions to help your studies. I try to offer suggestions that will show how a native speaker might correctly write something. With that being said, please consider this rewrite of your post.

"I've been studying English for a year and a half, and I'm just now starting to try my hand at writing in English.

Let me know about my mistakes."

Fault is falha and mistake is erro, therefore a fault can cause a mistake, for example: "My faulty knowledge of Portuguese caused me to mistake PARA for IR, and caused the accident, when I did not STOP the car." ;) :lol:
"Try my hand" is an idiom meaning to try to do something, usually for the first time.
We have to clean the air, stop polluting it. But, of course, it's not the only problem. We have to stop polluting rivers, lakes, seas and watersheds. While I write this reply, millions of people are "killing" the planet, and I hope the future will be better. Sure it will. Or else we will have to go to the moon or Mars.
We have to think better on the situation os our planet...
The human being is deforesting Amazonia, the air is being polluted by toxic gases, the water on our planet is becoming a problem, etc...
So we have to work together to solve this serious problem with the Earth... so our future children will can live very well
DHST 1 3 15
I don't have much to add, what I'm sure is: the "what can we do" part is not the most important thing, we are racional and intelligent beings, we already know what to do, however, we don't do, and that's the problem. So, we must act now, us as a whole, acting to the benefits of others, acting is the solution.
felipeh6 7 58
Let me plus something that I consider extremely important: DON'T WASTE :!:

v. gastar, desperdiçar; não aproveitar; destruir, eliminar, exterminar; enfraquecer; terminar; extinguir-se; desperdiçar-se;

s. gasto, perda, desperdício; destruição, ruína; vazio; deserto; restos, dejetos; resíduos; esgoto

adj. desnecessário, supérfluo, demasiado, não aproveitado; relativo a dejetos; desértico, destruído, vazio; arruinado

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
ernando 2
Searching other ways to produce energy, I mean, produce clean energy, and also searching a good way to turn salt water into fresh water. Futhermore (and consequently) we need to invest all we can in Education.
We don´t need to leave a better planet for our children. It´s enough to leave better children to the planet. A better planet will be just a consequence of this.