123 Palavras Melhores Que Usar VERY

  Verificado por especialistas
André Lima 3 22
Se você usa ao falar português frequentemente palavra muito é sinal que seu vocabulário precisa ser melhorado. É assim também no inglês. É bem melhor falar, por exemplo, awful ao invés de um simples very bad, ou furious ao invés de very angry.

Quer impressionar ao falar inglês? Então evite usar VERY em suas conversas e textos e use as alternativas listadas abaixo. São 123 palavras que substituem o very em várias situações para você aumentar seu vocabulário!
very afraidfearful
very angryfurious
very annoyingexasperating
very badawful
very beautifulgorgeous
very bigmassive
very boringdull
very brightluminous
very busyswamped
very calmserene
very carefulcautious
very cheapstingy
very cleanspotless
very clearobvious
very coldfreezing
very colorfulvibrant
very competitivecutthroat
very completecomprehensive
very confusedperplexed
very creativeinnovative
very crowdedbustling
very dangerousperilous
very dearcherished
very deepprofound
very depresseddespondent
very detailedmeticulous
very differentdisparate
very difficultarduous
very dirtyfilthy
very dryarid
very dulltedious
very easyeffortless
very emptydesolate
very excitedthrilled
very excitingexhilarating
very expensivecostly
very fancylavish
very fatobese
very friendlyamiable
very frightenedalarmed
very frighteningterrifying
very funnyhilarious
very gladoverjoyed
very goodexcellent
very greatterrific
very happyecstatic
very harddifficult
very hard-to-findrare
very heavyleaden
very highsoaring
very hotsweltering
very hugecolossal
very hungrystarving
very hurtbattered
very importantcrucial
very intelligentbrilliant
very interestingcaptivating
very largehuge
very lazyindolent
very littletiny
very longextensive
very long-termenduring
very looseslack
very meancruel
very messyslovenly
very necessaryessential
very nervousapprehensive
very nicekind
very noisydeafening
very oftenfrequently
very oldancient
very old-fashionedarchaic
very opentransparent
very painfulexcruciating
very paleashen
very perfectflawless
very poordestitute
very powerfulcompelling
very prettybeautiful
very quickrapid
very quiethushed
very rainypouring
very richwealthy
very sadsorrowful
very scaredpetrified
very scarychilling
very seriousgrave
very sharpkeen
very shinygleaming
very shortbrief
very shytimid
very simplebasic
very skinnyskeletal
very smallpetite
very smartintelligent
very smellypungent
very smoothsleek
very softdowny
very sorryapologetic
very specialexceptional
very strongforceful
very stupididiotic
very surecertain
very sweetthoughtful
very talentedgifted
very talltowering
very tastydelicious
very thirstyparched
very tightconstricting
very tinyminuscule
very tiredexhausted
very uglyhideous
very unhappymiserable
very upsetdistraught
very warmhot
very weakfrail
very well-to-dowealthy
very wetsoaked
very wideexpansive
very willingeager
very windyblustery
very wisesage
very worrieddistressed
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3 respostas
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Hello there! Muito boa esta lista, ainda mais por podermos ouvir a pronúncia correta, que para mim é MUITO importante.
If we can use 'awful' for 'very bad' we can also use 'awesome' for 'very good', right?
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Other way to avoid "very" is using synonyms (or "cousin adjetives") like rather/greatly/extremely/much/too" and so on and so forth...
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Yes, Angelo. You got it right, awesome is very a very good choice, ha ha ha. :-)