A pronúncia de Used e Get Used

A pronúncia de used= "iust " e get used = "guet iust" ou "gue iust" ( acho a segunda melhor de falar)

Podem ser dessa forma?

Coloquei um som aportuguesado, para ter uma idéia melhor.

Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
3 respostas
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Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Olá Marco

Não tenho nada a dizer sobre a pronúncia do "ed", porque o Adir já disse tudo :)
https://www.englishexperts.com.br/pronu ... ado-em-ed/
oi Flávia,

no"How to say" mostra as 2 possibilidades, nesse caso p/ falar com mais rapidez acredito que o "iust" possa dar melhor velocidade a frase.

http://www.howjsay.com/index.php?word=u ... mit=Submit

get used

http://www.howjsay.com/index.php?word=g ... mit=Submit

agradeço o link.
maryziller 1 2
Marco Brainiac escreveu:a pronúncia de used= "iust " e get used = "guet iust" ou "gue iust" ( acho a segunda melhor de falar)

podem ser dessa forma?

coloquei um som aportuguesado, para ter uma idéia melhor
The pronunciation of -ed in English depends on the environment surrounding the -ed.
voiced and unvoiced consonants influence the d to be pronounced voiceless surdo, too.

If it is preceeded by a k, p, or s, it sounds like a t (is voiceless).
If proceeded by a vowel it is pronounced like a d (is voiced).
a Anna'd do it. (short for Anna would do it.)
b absorbed
c (see entries for k and s, hard and soft c)
ch watched, botched
d headed
e lead
f staffed, laughed
g tagged, bagged
h hahah-ed, ph-ed (Although there are words that end with the letter "H" such as "which" or "graph", there are really no words that end with an h that makes the /h/ sound http://www.kidzone.ws/kindergarten/index-ends1.htm).
i rabid
j binged, avenged
K linked
l lulled, milled, filled
m bombed, combed, "homed in on"
n send, summoned, cloned, but mended (mended has 2 syllables)
ng wronged
o mowed I mowed the lawn.
p camped
ph graphed
q talaqed (Talaq: A method of divorce in Islamic law, There are no words in the English language that end with the letter Q. http://www.kidzone.ws/kindergarten/index-ends1.htm)
r fired
s blessed, least (also see z for voiced s)
sh hashed, clashed, splashed
t listed
th writhed, breathed
u glued
v lived
w showed
x exted-out (spelling?)
y words that end in y change the wovel to i when d is added. Fry --> fried
z pleased

Listening exercise:
Listen to determine if the final 'd' is voiced or voiceless:
For more information on pronunciation see http://www.sk.com.br/sk-conso.html . It is written bilingually.