Ajuda p/entender 2 frases - Música Hey DJ

Fui em busca da letra dessa música na net, procurei mto, e parece nao existir mesmo.Dai resolvi escrever, porém...duas frases nao entendo de jeito algum!
Em 1:10 Roll, roll............. (ele diz: Dance, you out you doggone shoes (creio eu), e elas falam algo semelhante, mas nao consigo entender.
E em 1:40 You didn't come to the party in a Limousine...........and your rap so mean.
Depois de Limousine tb nao consigo.

Se alguém puder me ajudar, por favor! ;)

Faça um teste e descubra como está seus conhecimentos de vocabulário de inglês em 5 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE
2 respostas
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Obrigado pela resposta, donay mendonça! :)
Na parte q as garotas cantam, elas dizem: Roll, roll, Dance you out your doggone shoes?Entao é a mesma coisa q o rapper diz?(tirando os rolls, claro! :P)
Bom, vou colocar a letra toda q escrevi:

We´d like to dedicate this record to all Djs in the entire world
And all the ladies, sing a long, huh
Hey Dj, just play that song, keep me dancing all nite

Thanks girls, now:
Thank djs, mcs, cable tv, and radio, all station personalities for the
New tunes we hear today playing clear across the nation, and thank you
For country west and folk or jazz, and thats slow records all the past
You see we're living in a time of rock´n roll, hip hop, new wave and classica
Come on everybody, turn you dial, up and down, down and up, find yourself
Then, set back, get your blaze out the tube, and let’em make you

Roll, roll, Dance you out your doggone shoes, Dance you out your doggone shoes
Just this, scratch out the beat
World, excuse me while i dance

Hey Dj, just play that song, keep me dancing, all nite

Hey Dj, i must confess, you’ll quick up the Sugar Ray
and when you mix with arms, your hands, your mouth, knees and feet
Boy, smoother the Doctor J
You didn't come to the party in a Limousine
Yet your cuts are fresh and your raps are mean
Take the two turn tables and a microphone
You keep on, keep me dancing all nite

Singing girls
You say wanna be a DJ
What am i should do to be a DJ?
Well girl, you got mix down

Roll, roll, dance you out your doggone shoes
Let the Dj dance you out your doggone shoes
And world, get together and sing

Bom, é isso!
Qualquer erro q tiver e puderem me corrigir, fiquem a vontade!
Obrigado desde ja, novamente! ;)
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Dance you out your doggone shoes. Scratch out the beat. Excuse me while I dance! (chorus) Hey DJ I must confess .

You didn't come to the party in a limousine. Yet your cuts are fresh and your raps are mean. Take your two turntables and a microphone.

Bem vindo ao Fórum!