Andréa Vogt: Diário de Bordo


Estudei Inglês em uma escola particular por três anos. Estava no nível intermediário.
Após concluir a faculdade resolvi me dedicar com mais entusiamo ao inglês. Desta forma, decidi estudar inglês como auto didata. Elaborei um cronograma, onde realizo diversas atividades, para o aprendizado não se tornar entediante. Estudo através das seguintes ferramentas:
- podcast (The Flatmates);
- livro (Penguin Readers);
- fonética (Guia de pronúncia da Língua Inglesa) e Forvo;
- gramática (Cambridge - Murphy - Grammar in Use 3e)
Também escrevo textos de temas diversos e posto aqui (Fórum English Experts) para serem corrigidos. Estudo músicas das quais eu gosto, procurando cantar junto para melhorar a pronúncia. Elaboro respostas para as mais diversas perguntas (ex. entrevista de emprego), gravo e escuto para perceber o que preciso melhorar. Criei um arquivo onde expresso o significado de cada palavra que não conheço através de uma imagem.
Minha meta é estudar em torno de 1h por dia. E atualmente a minha maior dificuldade é a ausência de uma pessoa com a qual eu possa conversar, para adquirir fluência.
Pretendo utilizar este Diário de Bordo para registrar o que estudo diariamente e manter notas sobre o que aprendi.

Obrigado pela atenção e ficarei muito feliz se você tiver algo para compartilhar comigo...



Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
18 respostas
Ordenar por: Data
Estudo de hoje:
The flatmates 008: The newcomer

- newcomer (noun): a person who has recently arrived somewhere or who has recently started a new activity.
- rubbish bin: a container that you put rubbish in
- to throw: to cause (someone or something) to move suddenly or forcefully to or away from a particular place
- to allow: : to permit (something) : to regard or treat (something) as acceptable - to permit (someone) to have or do something - to permit (someone) to go or come in, out, etc. Diferença entre allow e permit: (allow-x-permit-x-let-palavras-que-confundem-t9070.html)
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Congrats on your work, your passion for English and personal effort will pay off ! I am sure of that.
Today's study...

Homophone: is a word which is pronounced the same as another word but spelt differently. For example, two (She has two sisters), too (Can I have a coffee too please?) and to (I'm going to lunch).
- Hi and high
- In and Inn
- Meet and Meat
- Our and Hour
- New and Knew
- We and Wee
- Need and Knead
- So and Sew
- You and Ewe
- Know and No
- Not and Knot
- Allowed and Aloud

Daily Dictation 09

German, Rolf Buchholz, is the man with the most piercings, he´s got 453.

- similar songs you connect -- with the

Daily Dictation 10

A satellite that was carried to space aboard the shuttle Discovery 20 years ago is about to fall to Earth, but nobody knows where the debris will hit.

- satellite: astronomical, telescope...
- carried to: similar song you connect
- aboard a train, aboard a ship...
- aboard the - you connect
- 20 - twenty (pronúncia "tweny")
- is about to (t´) fall
- fall to (d´) Earth
- knows where - you connect
- debris: broken peaces of the satellite (pronunciation: d´- bree)
- debris will hit - on the land
Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA

Book 008 Brown Eyes (Penguin Readers)


- to laugh; to show that you are happy or that you think something is funny by smiling and making a sound from your throat
- afraid: filled with fear or apprehension
- to pretend: to imagine and act out (a particular role, situation, etc.)
- mask: a cover or partial cover for the face used for disguise
- to turn: to cause (something or a side of something) to face an opposite or different direction

--> Questions about the book "Brown eyes"

1 Why do Susan and Peter Reed like the Hotel Vista?
Susan and Peter Reed like the Hotel Vista because it is very quiet, very friendly and the food is good.

2 When did they first meet?
They first meet did thirteen years ago.

3 Where is Connor's Coffee House?
The Connor's Coffee House is near the sea.

4 Why did Peter pretend the car was a Citroen?
Peter pretended the car was a Citroen to discover the car that the other man was.

5 Why did Susan not want to go to the police?
Susan didn´t want to go to the police because she thinks the police will laugh at Peter.

6 Who did Susan see near the cafe?
Susan saw the man with a big nose and black air.

7 At what time did they arrive back at the hotel?
We arrived back at the hotel at ten o´clock.

8 Susan and Peter thought that a man or woman was in their room. Why?
Susan and Peter thought that a man or woman was in their room because the bedroom light was on.

9 Who was in the photograph?
Peter and Susan were in the photograph.

10 Why was Peter afraid?
Peter was afraid because the man had his nose, his mouth, his ears, his hair...

11 Why were the man's eyes important?
The man´s eyes were important because they are differents from the eyes of Peter.

12 How did Susan know Stephen Griggs?
Susan worked with Stephen fifteen years ago.

13 Stephen did not shoot Peter. Why?
Stephen wants Peters going to prison.

14 Peter did not answer Mrs Brown. Why?
Stephen puts his hand over Peter´s mouth.

15 What can Peter say to the police?
He said "I didn´t... It isn´t... I can´t..."
On Saturday...

1 Is thirteen an unlucky number for you? Are some things lucky/unlucky?

Thirteen isn´t an unluckly number for me.

Unluckly symbols:
- black cat;
- breaking a mirror;
- Friday the 13th;
- walking under a ladder;
- shoes on a table;

Lucky symbols:
- dreamcatcher;
- four-leaf-clover;
- horseshoe;
- rabbit´s foot;
- rainbows;
- a pot of gold;
- falling star;

2 Would you like to have a holiday in Lea-on-Sea? Why? If not, where? Why?
I would like to have a holiday in Lea-on-Sea because is a beautiful and friendly place.

3 The police think that you shot someone! Where were you at 7.30 yesterday evening? Who was with you?
At 7.30 yesterday evening I was at university with my classmates.

1 You are Peter. Write a letter to your best friend (in 100 words). Tell him/her why you are in prison.

PO Box 757, Heathfield Road, Wandsworth, London

10 December 2012

Dear John,

I am writing for you in the face of very tragic circunstances. I am arrested on Wandsworth Prison on London.
I am desperate. Susan was murdered in Lea-on-Sea during our vacation. The killer´s name is Stephen Grings. Susan worked with him fifteen years ago. He loved she. He shot her with a gun.
Stephen was wearing a mask with my face. Before I knew it, the gun was in my hand. He got away.
I watched the door. It opened and four policeman walked in. They looked at the dead woman and the gun in my hand.
The first policeman walked over to me. "you come with us.", he said. It´s been a week that I am here.
I need your hepl. You are the better lawyer I know. Only you can set me free.

See you soon,

Kind regards,

Peter Reed

2 A policeman stays and questions Mrs Brown. Write down their questions and answers (80 words).
Policeman: What did you hear?
Mrs Brown: I heard a noise.
Policeman: At what time?

Mrs Brown: At eleven o´clock.
Policeman: Did you go at the room?
Mrs Brown: Yes, I went at the room.
Policeman: Who was in the room?
Mrs Brown: I didn´t know. I think Mr. and Mrs. Reed.
Policeman: What happened?
Mrs Brown: I asked "What are you doing in there?". Peter answered for me " I shot Susan! And now she´s dead. Dead! Dead! Oh, Susan, I´m sorry!"
Policeman: What did you do?
Mrs Brown: I came down and called the police. I was very nervous.
Policeman: Anything else?
Mrs Brown: No.
Policeman: Thanks for your help Mrs. Brown.

Utilizo o site para ouvir a pronúncia das palavras e treinar. Baixo o áudio em mp3.


--> AO - eio no geral

baobab - cacao - chaos - kaolin - paol - aorta

chaotic: keiaatik é a pronúncia dessa palavra.

Viu como a segunda vogal do ditongo respeitou o sistema paroxítono acabando em IC?

aorist: eeiorist é proparoxítona porque termina em IST.

EXCEÇÕES: pharao (férou) - carabao (kérabáu) - extraordinary ( iskstrórdinary) - etaoin (etióin)

--> AU - ó no geral

auction - gaud - debauch - caustic - daughter - sauce - dinosaur - clause - staunch - raucity - haunt - slaughter - maul - nauseous - laurel - fault - laudable - maraud - bauxite - laudanum - cautious - audit - binaural - caulk - auburn - auspice - thesaurus - caught - caudate - cautel - auricle - bauble - laudatory - nautical - tarpaulin - aural - aurochs - caul - aucustate - audience - aurum - fraught - haughty - daunt - menopause - gauffer - gauze - avaunt - auspicial - instaurate - caudle - gallimaufry - tautosyllabic - faugh - autochthonous - aureole - claustral - scaup - straight - august

gauge ( gheidj ) - aunt ( ént ) - chauffer ( shoufâr ) - vaudeville ( voudevíl ) - hauteur ( houter ) - sauté ( soutei ) - laughter ( léftar ) - laugh ( léf ) - ablaut ( abláut ) - restaurant ( réstorant) - epaulet ( épolét ) - taupe ( toupei ) - gauss ( gaus ) - gauche ( gaush ) - draught ( dréft )
26- Describe what you feel to be an ideal working environment.
I think that it must have respect between co-workers and a lot of dedication for the work.

27- How come you want to work for us? Why do you want to work for us?
I’d be happy to work in this company because it is an excellent company in this area.
And I like team work. It’s very exciting to be able to work in this company.

28- Why should our company hire you?
Because I have a lot of experience in the food industry, and I know how to work with quality control.
I like teamwork.
I like taking the initiative to solve problems.

29- Why should we hire you?
I want to develop my career in this company. I like working in food industry because it is very interesting.

30- What do you like to do on weekends?
Well, I like to surf the internet, read books, walk or ride a bicycle with my boyfriend at the park etc. I like to play volleyball with my friends.

31- Have you ever seen the movie Dead Poets Society?
No, I haven’t;

32- What kind of food do you like?
I like Italian food. I like pizza very much.

33- Is there anything that you want to add?
So, I want to add that I am a friendly and polite person.
Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA

- flavored
- police
- constantly
- ocean
- movies
- camping
- shy
- flesh
- extremely
- especially
- steel
- october
- greeted
- red
- students
- laughed
- metal
- museum
- constantly
- flavored
- police
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
2 When did they first meet?
They first meet did thirteen years ago.

They first meet thirteen years ago. (you don´t repeat the "did" in the answer), there´s a "did" used for emphasis, but it may be subject of other thread.

In fact, I wasn´t proofreading your writings, I was just skimming them and, all of sudden, this caught my eyes (many would say caught my eye). So, if there´s more things that "got away with it" others might point out.
Keep up the good work.
Muito obrigada pela dica PPAULO! Registro o que estudei com a intenção de que os participantes deste grupo possam me fornecer dicas... Meu objetivo é melhorar cada dia mais...

GRAMMAR: Present Perfect II (I have done)

Cambridge - Murphy - Grammar in Use 3e

- I haven´t been to India.
- Have you ever been to China?
- I have been to lots of places.

-- recently/in the last few days/ so far/ since breakfast/ etc.
- It´s good to see you again. We haven´t seen each other for a long time.

B) We use the present perfect with today/ this evening/ this year/ etc. when these are not finished at the time of speaking.
- Have you had a holiday this year?

C) We say: It´s the (first) time something has happened.
- Sarah has lost her passport. This is the second time this has happened. (not happens)

Obs.: Do you like caviar? I don´t now. I have never tried it.



22 - 24/05/2015



- heartbeat: the pulsation of the heart.

- num: abbreviation of numeral.

- pin: a thin piece of metal with a sharp point at one end and a round head at the other, used especially for fastening pieces of cloth.

- needle: a very fine slender piece of metal with a point at one end and a hole or eye for thread at the other, used in sewing.

- tongue: the fleshy muscular organ in the mouth of a mammal, used for tasting, licking, swallowing, and (in humans) articulating speech.

- gun: a weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a characteristic loud, sharp noise.

- lifetime: the duration of a person's life.
Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA

THE FLATMATES 009: The favour

- to iron: smooth (clothes, sheets, etc.) with an iron.

- a favour: an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual.

- to hit the books: expression - to study

- they seem made for each other: (expression) - they are a perfect couple. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston seemed made for each other. Everyone was really surprised when they got divorced.

- a courier: a person or company that delivers packages or documents very quickly.

- to owe: have an obligation to pay or repay (something, especially money) in return for something received.

LANGUAGE POINT: Future forms

will + base verb:
To make a prediction based on personal opinion
I think you'll love this film. It's got John Cusack in it.
Note: In spoken English will is usually shortened to 'll

To express a decision made at the moment of speaking
You go with Michal and I'll iron the shirts.

To express future facts
The class will finish at 7:30 tonight.

In formal written style to express future events (often planned in detail)
This clinic will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday.

be + going to + base verb:
To make a prediction based on present evidence
Look at those dark clouds, it's going to rain.

To talk about plans already made
I'm going to see a film tonight (I've already bought my ticket).

shall + base verb:
Used with 'we' or 'I' in formal situations or in writing
We shall be delighted to have you over for dinner.
Marcos 4 19 70
Wow, Andréa!
You seem so focused and dedicated! I wish my students were a little bit like that. lol

I like the way you're studying. Keep it up and you'll get wondrous results.

Take care.