Blond and Blonde

Hi folks,

Gostaria de saber se essas duas palavras tem a mesma pronúncia ou se há uma pequena variação. Lembro que ambas tem o sentido de "loiro" só que "blond" é mais comum para homens e "blonde" para mulheres.

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3 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Olá Tiago,

Ambos podem ser pronunciados da mesma forma.

Blond (without the e) is used to describe males, mixed gender, or uncertain gender. Blonde refers to women or female gender.In modern use, blond is sometimes used for female as well as male, but blonde is preferred for female.

Henry Cunha 3 18 190
I tend to think of blond/blonde in the following way.

1. Blond as the name for the colour is always blond:

"What hair colour do you like best?"
"I like blond."

2. Blond in reference to a man or a woman with that hair colour invokes the variation:

Someone looking at a woman might say: "Look at the blonde."

Similarly for a fellow: "Look at the blond."
(But I think I´ve always heard: "Look at the blond guy.")

Have you ever heard of "platinum blonde"? I doubt it´s ever thought of without the "e," altho it´s become common enough amongst young males!

Which raises the perennial question: "Do blondes have more fun?"
Thanks for attention! :D